The kids wanted a game, and they wanted a 3-way game because...there were 3 of us and they didn't want anyone to get left out. I swear, kids are the best. Anyway, I was happy to oblige because I wanted to test out my new Thousand Sons units anyway. I won the roll-off, but I let the 2 kids go ahead of me know me. I don't care about winning or all that, and I wanted to let the kids have their fun.
The first kid brought his Blood Angels. Hmm, I can't remember what he had, but I'm sure he had 2 or 3 squads of Intercessors, a Baal Predator, a Predator Annihilator, Greyfax for some reason, a Tech-priest Enginseer (a sacristan, as he calls it, and he took both this dudde and Greyfax in auxiliary Detachments, subtracting 2 Command Points), Mephiston, 2 squads of 3 Inceptors, a Captain in Terminator armor, Terminators, Death Company, a Librarian Dreadnought, a Death Company Dreadnought, and he allied them with a Knight Errant. A pretty convoluted list, but still hits hard and fast. He had a Battalion, a Vanguard, a Super-heavy Auxiliary and 2 Auxiliaries. Why, I have no idea. Greyfax and the Tech-priest Enginseer did nothing. And I suspect he was using more Command Points than he actually had, but I might be mistaken.
The second kid brought Tau Empire, so 2 fire warriors, 1 squad of breachers, 2 squads of pathfinders, Longstrike, a Stormsurge, and stuff like that. I can't remember. I believe he has a Crisis Commander too, with a burst cannon and fusion blaster, and maybe an Ethereal? I think he also had a Ghostkneel or something. I'm sure he had more, but I can't remember how many. Mostly because we were too far away to actually fight each other, ha ha.
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A gunline of Hellforged Dreadnoughts! |
The Blood Angels player went first, and he did a lot of damage to me. He moved all his hard hitters up, his Knight Errant, Baal Predator (which super-charged and zoomed right into my frontline), his Dreadnought (which used the Death Company Stratagem to get that move before battle begins), Mephiston, Greyfax, the Librarian Dreadnought and even a bunch of Intercessors. Only a single squad of Intercessors deigned to move toward the Tau's deployment zone. Guess they really hate Traitors! And damn it, I completely forgot about Death to the False Emperor...that might have helped me. Never mind. I can't remember what happened, but the Predator Annihilator fired all his lascannons. I failed all my saves, and my Osiron Contemptor Dreadnought blew up. Ouch. I was rolling really, really badly this game. At this point I wondered if I should have gone first, ha ha ha! But nah, I didn't want to hammer the poor kids. Anyway, the kid didn't have quite the luck, I know he fired something at the butcher cannon-deathclaw Contemptor Dreadnought, but only rolled a 1 for damage. On the other side of the table, the Knight Errant fired and only did 1 wound to my other Contemptor Dreadnought with dual butcher cannons. He rolled a dice for his thermal cannon, only to roll a 1 for damage. Heh.
His Intercessors fired and killed 1 or 2 Pathfinders, but otherwise he didn't do anything to the T'au. He focused everything he had on poor me.
The T'au didn't have much to shoot at, with the Stormsurge and the Hammerhead firing at the Kngiht Errant and everything else into the Intercessors. After all was said and done, I think he didn't put a single wound on the Knight, who made all his saves with the 4++ rotate ion shield Stratagem. At most 2 or 3 wounds, but no more than that. About 2 Intercessors died, but that's about it.
I had everyone stayed still, and healed my dual butcher cannon Dreadnought with Temporal Manipulation. Then I used psychic powers to smite a lot of stuff. After Smite and shooting from my Hellforged Dreadnoughts, the Baal Predator only had 1 wound left, the Knight had taken about 18 wounds or so, the normal Dreadnought only had 1 wound left, and the Predator Annihilator was untouched. The Leviathan Dreadnought put 5 wounds on the Baal Predator with his grav-flux bombard. That felt good! Unfortunately, my opponent made most of his saves, particularly for the Dreadnought and the Knight, or I would have wrecked them. As it was, I wasn't able to do anything to them. Ugh. I think I killed one or two Intercessors with the heavy bolters and greater havoc launcher from the Deredeo, but those 3+ armor saves (the cover negated the AP -1) made them hard to take out.
The Blood Angels struck again. Everyone moved forward, but the Dreadnought still wasn't in position to charge. The Inceptors Deep Struck behind the T'au lines, and the Terminators and Death Company all Deep Struck behind my lines. The Tech-priest Enginseer used the Tech Adept Stratagem to repair the wounded Knight twice, bringing him back to 8 health. But even with BS 4+, he failed to do any significant damage with his thermal cannon and heavy stubbers, either missing or me makig my invulnerable save against the single hit he made. The Baal Predator killed 1 Rubric Marine from 1 squad, and his heavy flamers attacked my Rubric Marines in the other squad. Despite needing a 2+ armor save since they were in cover, and had All is Dust, I rolled 4 ones, and all but my Aspiring Sorcerer got wiped out. What the Tzeentch...
The Intercessors failed to kill the Aspiring Sorcerer despite their shooting, and the Predator Annihilator dealt 9 damage to my Leviathan Dreadnought, with me failing all my saves again. I was rolling horribly. So was the kid, his Death Company fired on my Daemon Prince of Tzeentch, only to blow one of them up with his supercharged plasma pistol. And he didn't even manage to hit the Daemon Prince, I remember he was pretty much unscathed when the shooting phase ended and I don't remember needing to make any saves for him. However, once again, when the Terminators and Terminator Captain fired all their stormbolters into Ahriman, I failed so many of my 3+ invulnerable save that it wasn't funny, and Ahriman...died. Damn it, Tzeentch! What the feth are you doing!?
On the other side of the table, the Intercessors and Inceptors killed about 1 Pathfinder in 1 squad, 2 or 3 Pathfinders and a Shield Drone in another, and about 3 Fire Warriors. I know one Inceptor squad made his charge, despite his 2 comrades being blown apart by overwatch. The other Inceptor squad was luckier, losing only 1 wound, but they failed their charge. On the other side, the kid used his 3D6 charge Stratagem for his Death Company to get into combat. He failed to kill my Daemon Prince in combat, dealing like 3 wounds with chainswords. In return, my Daemon Prince killed about 2 or 3 of them. On the other hand, the Blood Angels Terminators attempted to charge the Deredeo Dreadnought, but because he was 12" away, they failed. Muahahaha. Wait a second, this was just weird. I remember the kid used the 3D6 charge Stratagem for his Inceptors to charge the Fire Warriors too (he rolled a 3 and 2 ones and failed spectacularly). How did he use the same Stratagem twice in the same phase? Anyway, by the end of his turn, the Aspiring Sorcerer managed to pass his morale. Just barely. Phew.
The T'au guy helped me out a lot by wiping out the Inceptors, leaving just one wounded one in his backline (killing the sole survivor who succeeded the charge and 2 more in the other squad). The Stormsurge failed to wound the Knight, who made all his Rotate Ion Shield saves (why does the Blood Angels player have so many Command Points?), but Longstrike scored a 6 with his wound roll after hitting the Knight, dealing 6 damage plus D3 mortal wounds or something, thus destroying the Knight in a single volley. Heh! The 5-men Intercessor squad was reduced to just 1 guy. I think that's about it because he couldn't reach anything else.
My turn came and I pretty much destroyed everything with Smite. Smite from my Aspiring Sorcerers destroyed the Baal Predator and the wounded Dreadnought, I healed my Leviathan Dreadnought with Temporal Manipulation and my Exalted Sorcerer rolled an 11 for Smite, dealing 4 mortal wounds to the Terminators and killing 2 of them. Heh! The Daemon Prince also used Smite to kill another of the Death Company dude, leaving just 1 guy locked in combat with him. The Hellforged Contemptor Dreadnoughts and Deredeo Dreadnought destroyed the Librarian Dreadnought and wiped out the Terminators, but I only killed 1 or 2 Intercessors because my opponent made all his 3+ armor saves. The Leviathan Dreadnought fired his grav-flux bombard at the Terminator Captain, but I only rolled a 1 for shots, and despite hitting and wounding, he made his 4++ iron halo invulnerable save. Damn. Then the Daemon Prince killed the last Death Company guy in combat.
Oh...that was looking pretty bare for the Blood Angels player. He only had a Predator Annihilator, Mephiston, Greyfax and a Terminator Captain left in my deployment zone, and an Inceptor in the T'au's deployment zone. Not looking good for him at all. Oh well...
Anyway, it seems that my Hellforged Dreadnoughts packed a lot of firepower! The Blood Angels kid lamented that had he known I was bringing so many Dreadnoughts, he would have brought 2 Knights and a Baneblade...dude, that's overkill. Dreadnoughts aren't that good. Relax.
Well, that's all the battle for this week. I'll be keeping my eyes for more news on Chapter Approved and how my Thousand Sons and Imperial Guard will be affected. Cultists rising to 5 points per model has been confirmed officially by Warhammer Community, but that's all I can say for now. Until next time!
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