Anyway, I'm not sure what my friend brought, but he brought a Goff Battalion and a Bad Moonz Spearhead or something. I know he has a Warboss with jumppack, 3 units of Stormboyz, a Painboy, 3 Weirdboyz (yeah, 3 psykers), a Big Mek on a bike with kustom force field, a single unit of 10 Boyz, a single unit of 30 Boyz (both of which he used to mob up later), a squad of Grotz, 2 squads of Tankbustas - one in a Trukka and the other in a Battlewagon, a Dakkajet, a squad of Lootas, a mek gun, a Deff Dread and that's about it. I think. That's a lot of models on the table, and it was astonishing to see the sheer amount of Green Tide plopped onto the table.
As for me, I decded to play an extremely fluffy list, with Imperial Guard getting their asses handed to them by the Orks, and the Deathwatch swooping in to save the poor Guard, as usual. So I had a Guard Battalion with 2 Company Commanders with bolt pistols, 3 infantry squads with flamers (since they've dropped to 6 points), and 2 Basilisks with heavy bolters (one of them was actually fixed with a heavy flamer, so I need to change that one day...). The Deathwatch, on the other hand, had a Watch Master, a Primaris Watch Captain, 5 Intercessors, 5 Veterans with storm bolters, 5 Veterans with 4 Deathwatch frag cannons (Sergeant has xenophase blade and storm shield), a Corvus Blackstar, a Mortis Contemptor Dreadnought with dual twin autocannons and a Leviathan Dreadnought with 2 grav-flux bombard. Yeah, that's just insane. The Watch Master and 2 squads of Veterans were embarked inside the Corvus Blackstar.
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The Deathwatch and Astra Militarum army mustering for war! |
Nah, I was being dramatic.
First Turn
Anyway, jokes aside, the opening battle round felt thematic. The Orks all ran forward. I think my opponent received Blood and Guts as his first Tactical Objective, so that meant he needed to destroy 1 unit in combat for a victory point, and 3 or more for D3 victory points. We chose the Orks and Deathwatch type of Objectives for the Tactical Priority thing, so that meant we get an extra victory point if we achieved an Objective for that type.
The two squads of Boyz mobbed up into 40 Boyz. Now that's scary. The Weirdboy used Da Jump and all 40 reappeared right in front of my guardsmen who were shielding my Basilisk. The Tankbustas in the Trukk and the Mek Gun fired and took 6 wounds off my poor Corvus Blackstar, and the Stormboyz Advanced after running forward. That's fine, with the jumppack Warboss following them, he had the Warlord Trait that allowed them to charge after advancing. That was bad for me. The Dakkajet fired everything into my Corvus Blackstar and did no damage, or perhaps it was one of the 6 wounds that was taken off it, I can't remember. I think the Battlewagon, Lootas and the Tankbustas inside that Battlewagon fired and destroyed one of my Basilisk. Damn, I lost a Basilisk before I could even fire a single shot. That was a huge blow. To make matters worse, the 40-men Boyz dealt a few wounds to the other Basilisk with their shooting, killed about 3 or so Guardsmen in one squad and 2 in the other, then they charged in. Needless to say, with power claws and choppas, they destroyed my second Basilisk. Both Basilisks didn't even get to fire a single shot before they were destroyed. Even when using Defensive Gunners, I probably only killed one Boy on overwatch. I think I killed about a total of 1 or 2 Boyz on overwatch, with the lasguns mostly missing as well. That was just bad. Sigh. I lost about 7 guys in combat, which meant they were wiped out in morale for one squad, but the other was mostly untouched (maybe I lost 2 or 3 guys), and I rolled a 1 for that squad's morale so they were fine. But he achieved Blood and Guts with the destruction of my Basilisk and First Blood, giving him 2 Victory Points. On the other side, the Stormboyz and Warboss crashed into my Guardsmen and took out about 6 Guardsmen. I actually killed one Boy on overwatch with the flamer, so that wasn't so bad. Morale killed another 3 dudes, and I had only just the Sergeant left. Damn.
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Can't wait to test out my new Leviathan Dreadnought! Accompanying him is a Mortis Contemptor Dreadnought! |
My turn came, and I had my Corvus Blackstar hover, and my Watch Master and 2 squads of Veterans disembarked and moved toward the Stormboyz. I had no choice, with my Basilisks gone, the bulk of my firepower was gone. I had my Guardsmen and Sergeant fall back from combat because, you know. They were useless in combat, and I wanted to shoot the dudes. Speaking of which, I completely forgot to attack back with my Guardsmen, but given their WS4+ and Strength 3 AP 0 attacks, I doubt if I would be able to kill any of them anyway.
My shooting was decent, and my Primaris Watch Captain Intercessors, storm bolter Veterans, and Blackstar Corvus killed all the Stormboyz. I used the Hellfire rounds for my Special Issue Ammunition and had the re-roll wound rolls of ones against Fast Attack, so that helped. A lot. Yay. Having drawn Big Game Hunter for my objective, I had my Mortis Contemptor Dreadnought fire his autocannons into the Trukk and brought it down to 3 wounds - it would have been 8 damage, but my opponent used the Stratagem to give his vehicle a 6+ Feel No Pain. The twin lascannons from the Corvus Blackstar finished it off, netting me that one Victory Point. The Guardsmen fired their lasguns and flamer after being ordered by a nearby Company Commander to Get Back into the Fight! and I killed a decent number of Orks, about 3 or 4 more. I know there were 34 left by the time I was done with my Guardsmen shooting. Not having those Basiliks really hurt. Then after killing all the Stormboyz, the Warboss was now the closest target for my Veterans with Deathwatch frag cannons, and I simply killed him. That was brutal. Oh, and that gave me Slay the Warlord. Heh. Speaking of which, he rolled two ones after I destroyed the Trukk, so 2 Tankbustas bit the dust. Phew.
I think that was it. I did manage to clear a big chunk of his army, so no complaints there. I think. And I also achieved 2 Victory Points, so despite being at a massive disadvantage, we were still level on victory points. For now.
Turn 2
Most of the Orks continued to move upward, with the Boyz moving toward my Primaris Watch Captain, and the 2 Weirdboyz moving toward my Intercessors. The Tankbustas moved toward cover, I think. The Deffdread deep struck 9" away from my storm bolter Veterans, the Battlewagon, Lootas and Grotts moved up a little, I think. The dakkajet also dove toward my Intercessors. I can't remember, but I think the Smite took about 2 or 3 Intercessors out. Ouch. And maybe one storm bolter Veteran. Anyway, the dakkajet failed to kill any of my Intercessors, and the Boyz moved forward, shooting my poor Guardsmen off the table, but failing to wound the Primaris Watch Captain with their shootas or something. Anything else...the Big Mek failed to wound the Primaris Watch Captain as well. The tankbustas put another 3 wounds on my Corvus Blackstar, bringing him down to 5 wounds. Ouch. But I made a 6+ armor save (I needeed a 5) against the Mek Gun, so yay. The Boyz charged into my Primaris Captain and the Deff Dread into my storm bolter Veterans - he used the Stratagem to roll 3D6 for the latter. I rolled 7 ones for my Primaris Watch Captain and he died before he could even fight back. How did I roll 7 ones out of 14 or so rolls!? As for my storm bolter Veterans, I used Vengeance Rounds for Overwatch and dealt a single wound to the Deff Dread. A lot of help that did. Despite having a storm shield, the storm bolter Veterans were wiped out in combat with 4 ones and twos. Again...I have no idea why I was rolling so badly for my saves. The Boyz then consolidated into my Intercessors. Ugh. Once again, I have no idea what to do. I can't remember what my opponent's Objectives were this turn, but he only achieved one of them, which brought him up to 3 victory points. Was it overwhelming firepower? I think so. Or was it making a charge? Nah, that can't be right. I know it wasn't an Ork Tactical Objective, or he would have an extra victory point from that.
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As you can see, none of the Guardsmen and the Bailisks lasted for very long... |
My Intercessors fell back. Having drawn Secure Objective Three and Defend Objective One, I then moved and advanced my Sergeant to capture Objective Three, but it was currently being occupied by 34 Boyz (who were stretched across my entire deployment zone in a straight line). Brave Sergeant, but he was able to be more than 1" away from the Boyz while being within 3" away from the center of the Objective. The Company Commander grabbed Objective One, which was just a little over 9" away from the long line of Boyz, and the other Company Commander stayed where he was. My last squad of Deathwatch Veterans and the Watch Master moved up to be within 8" of the Boyz. Then I teleported my Leviathan Dreadnought right on Objective One. YAY!
Needless to say, I fired the two grav-flux bombards, which gave me 14D3 shots since they had 34 Boyz - 7D3 per grav-flux bombard, since I added a D3 for every five, so I added 6. I wiped out 18 Boyz with the Leviathan Dreadnought's shooting alone. Holy Terra! That was brutal. I was pretty lucky with my rolls, I think, and I got to re-roll wound rolls of ones too! On the other side, my Deathwatch Veterans opened up with their Deathwatch frag cannons, which auto-hit, and erased 16 Boyz. I actually did 17 or 18 wounds, so it was slightly overkill, but I erased the entire mob of Boyz with two shooting units. Meanwhile, my Corvus Blackstar fired and destroyed the Deff Dread. The Mortis Contemptor Dreadnought then killed the 3 Tankbustas with his dual twin autocannons, clearing my deployment zone of Orks. But my opponent still had a lot of guys left while I had only two Intercessors, one Veteran squad, Deathwatch Watch Master, a Corvus Blackstar and two Forgeworld Dreadnoughts left, not counting the Sergeant and two Company Commanders from my annihilated Draconian Imperial Guard regiment. TT_______TT
On the other hand, I captured Objective 3, and that netted me another Victory Point. All I needed was for my Company Commander and Leviathan Dreadnought to survive my opponent's next turn and I would get another 2 victory points. Yay.
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The Orks deploying. Lots of bodies over there! The Green Tide indeed. |
My opponent discarded his last Objective and drew 3 Objectives this time. One of them was the Ork Tactical Objective, which gave him a victory point if he had 3 or more dudes advance this turn. So if he did that, he would have 2 victory points because of Tactical Priority. Another was capture Objective Four, and the last was to defend Objective Two. He then had one of his Weirdboy move up and captured Objective Four, while his mek gun had to advance (it only had 3" movement), and he had to spend a Command Re-roll to get it to get within 3" of Objective Two. Plus he needed to survive. As for the rest, they just moved. Don't ask me why. I guess he wanted to shoot or something. The Big Mek on a bike tried to get to the Objective, but for some reason he opted not to, probably because he wanted to shoot stuff. And he couldn't reach it even if he advanced, so he...moved it toward my Leviathan Dreadnought? I think?
The Dakkajet flew over as well. The Tankbustas inside the Battlewagon fired and did about 6 damage to my Leviathan Dreadnought. Ouch! The Dakkajet and Lootas did absolutely nothing, failing to wound or hit. That was just...sad... Earlier, the Weirdboy used Smite, and rolled an 11, and did D6 mortal wounds. He did 4, which was enough to kill the 2 surviving Intercessors in my battered squad. On the othe hand, the other Weirdboy was not as lucky, and despite pulling off Smite, only killed a single Veteran with a Deathwatch frag cannon. He only netted one victory point this turn, having only advanced two units instead of the three required. Oh well.
I drew 3 tactical objectives, having secured 2 victory points because I successfully defended Objective 1 for 2 turns. YAY! Not bad! I now had 5 victory points to his 4, and my 3rd turn was only just beginning. The 3 new tactical objectives, however, weren't very promising. I needed to secure Objective 2, which was not going to happen. The other option was to defend Objective 5 for two turns, which was unlikely. The final Objective was the Deathwatch purge objective, which required me to destroy one unit this turn, and if I destroyed one unit with Deathwatch Intercessors or Veterans, I get D3 victory points instead. Neat, and perfectly doable. With nothing to lose, I had my Company Commanders run and then order themselves to run and capture Objective Five. Not sure if they would be able to defend it for 2 consecutive turns, though... The Sergeant stayed on Objective 3 because he wouldn't have made it to the Objective even if he ran and advanced twice. Oh well. My Veterans and Watch Master moved toward the Weirdboyz and Painboy. My Leviathan Dreadnought brought the Dakkajet down, destroying him with his grav-flux bombard and auto-hitting heavy flamers. Cool! On the other side, the Mortis Contemptor Dreadnought opened fire and killed the Mek Gun with his dual twin autocannons, thus denying my opponent the Defend Objective Two thing. Hah! Meanwhile, I killed both Weirdboyz right outside my deployment zone with the Corvus Blackstar's Blackstar Rocket launcher, hurricane bolters and the Watch Master's guardian spear, as well as the Deathwatch Veterans' Deathwatch frag cannons. They went down, and wouldn't be smiting anyone anytime soon. Heh. That meant I completed the 2nd part of the Deathwatch Objective, and I rolled a 6, which meant I got 3 Victory Points for that. So I had 8 Victory Points, plus 1 since it was a Deathwatch Objective (Tactical Priority). So I had a total of 9 victory points to my opponents' 4. If I succeeded in defending Objective 5, I could raise it to 11, but that would require him shooting all his Battlewagon, Tankbustas and Lootas at my Company Commanders instead of my Leviathan Dreadnought. Oh well. Oh, the Corvus Blackstar fired his lascannon at the Battlewagon, but I don't think he did any damage. Whoops.
The game ended there and then, because the store was closing, and it was almost impossible for my opponent to catch up in victory points (I disagreed, I mean, he was going to draw 4 tactical objectives this turn, but it was true that the store was closing so we didn't have time to continue the game). The game thus ended in the Deathwatch and Astra Militarum's victory, commanding an overwhelming lead over the Orks. Which was pretty surprising, considering that he had wiped out the majority of my army, and I only had two Company Commanders, a wounded Corvus Blackstar, a wounded Leviathan Dreadnought, 4 Veterans, the Watch Master and a Mortis Contemptor Dreadnought left. On the other hand, my opponent still had Lootas, Grotz, Tankbustas, a Big Mek, a Painboy, a Weirdboy, a Battlewagon left. Yeah, that's a lot, especially when compared to my pitiful army. If the game went on, I might have lost. I dunno. I have no idea how it would have gone, but that would still be cool to see what would have happened if the game had happened. It all came down to whether he would be able to take out my Leviathan Dreadnought or not. If he couldn't, I would probably just have the Leviathan Dreadnought single-handedly kill the remaining Tankbustas, Lootas and Battlewagon, but I doubt that would happen. Well, at last I still had the Corvus Blackstar and Mortis Contemptor Dreadnought and the Veterans, so I might be able to turn the game around somehow. I have no idea. In any case, it was a great victory for the Deathwatch and Imperial Guard despite me being at such an overwhelming disadvantage and losing 2 Basilisks and most of my Guardsmen in the first turn! The Emperor protects, indeed! I think the Leviathan Dreadnought was my MVP, bringing down a massive chunk of the Boyz and the Dakkajet on his own, and weathering so many shots. The Veterans with Deathwatch frag cannons were also pretty awesome, slaying the Warlord, wiping out the Boyz and eliminating a Weirdboy.
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Not chronologically ordered, but this was before I lost everything on the right side just in the first turn alone. |
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