There is also more stuff here in Imgur.
The ones that interest me the most are these:

Simply put, Armored Setinels went down by 10 points, Astropath went down by 4 points, the Banehammer and Banesword went down by 20 points, Chimera went down by 15 points (not counting the multilaser and heavy flamer points reduction), Deathstrike went down by 30 points, Doomhammer went down by 20 points, Hydras went down by 15 points, Manticore went down by 10 points and back to its original 125, Officer of the Fleet down by 5 points, Ogryn Bodyguard down by 10 points, Ogryns down by 6 points, Ratlings up by 2 points, Scout Sentinels down by 5 points, Servitors up by 3 points, Shadowsword up by 20 points, Stormlord down by 20 points, Stormsword down by 20 points, Tank Commander down by 25 points (I see the notorious Karru screaming and throwing a fit on the Bell of Lost Souls comment section about this, that guy always finds something to whine about), Valkyries down by 10 points (multilaser, multiple rocket pods all got cut by 5 and 3 respectively), Veterans down to 5 points (don't think anyone will take them, given how they're relegated to Elites rather than Troops), Wyrdvane Psykers down by 1 point and Wyverns up by another 5 points to 95. Leman Russ Annihilator remain at 122 points, and that's the only forge world model that I use, so I'm not going to go through the Forge World list for Astra Militarum.
Augur Array down 5 points, autocannon down 3 points to 10, chem cannon down 8 points, demolisher cannon got cut a whooping 20 points (50% decrease!), Eradicator nova cannon down 10 points, Executioner plasma cannon down 5 points, Exterminator autocannon down 8 points (still not good enough, to be honest), flamer down 1 point, grenade launcher now a measly 3 points, grenadier gauntlets down 5 points, heavy flamers down 3 points, heavy stubber down 2 points, Hellstrike missiles down 8 points, hot-shot lasgun and hot-shot laspistol now free (down 1 point each), meltagun down 2 points for normal Guardsmen and down 3 points for Veterans and Stormtroopers, missile launcher down 5 points, multi-laser down 5 points, multi-melta down 5 points, multiple rocket pods down 3 points, plasma cannon down 5 points, plasma gun on Veterans and stormtroopers down 2 points, power fist down 4 points, servo-arm down 12 points and are now free, Taurox battle cannon down by 10 points, Taurox gatling cannon still 20 points, Taurox missile launcher down 20 points, twin heavy flamer 28 points, Vanquisher battle cannon down again by 5 points (now no one can complain how trash it is compared to battle cannon, etc.).
What does that mean for me? Basically I can fit an extra tank into my list or something. In the past, my Brigade plus Spearhead looked something like this: 3 Tempestors Prime with Tempestus command rods, 3 Tempestus command squads with 4 plasma guns each, 3 Tempestus Kamikaze squads with 2 plasma guns each, 3 infantry squads with plasma guns, 2 Armored Sentinels with lascannon, an Armored Sentinel with plasma cannon, 2 Basilisks, a heavy weapons squad with 3 mortars, Tank Commander in Leman Russ Punisher tank with 3 heavy bolters, 2 Leman Russ Executioner tanks with lascannon and plasma cannon sponsons, a Leman Russ Annihilator with lascannon and plasma cannon sponsons. With the points cut, I'm suddenly freed up with 142 points - 149, if I count the leftover 7 points from my original list. By adjusting stuff here and there, I will be able to cut out the mortar heavy weapons squad for a Carnodon tank with volkite weapons and have 74 points left over. I can either swap the Leman Russ Annihilator out for a Leman Russ Executioner and trade the Tempestus Scions' plasma guns for hot-shot volley guns to bring in a Taurox Prime with Taurox gatling cannon and hot-shot volley guns, or I can just swap the Leman Russ Annihilator out for a Leman Russ Executioner tank commander and a heavy weapons squad of 3 lascannons.
Alternatively, I can forego the Brigade because of the awesome Tempestus Drop Force I'm looking at right now. I'm already drooling over the Emperor's Fist Tank Company and will definitely be using it for my Spearhead Detachment, but the Tempestus Drop Force looks really awesome too!

Yeah, I so want to use my Valkyrie and Kamikaze Stormtroopers! If I do that, I'll probably break my list down into 2 Battalions and 1 Spearhead. Probably swap the Armored Sentinels and heavy weapons squad out for the Valkyrie and 2 Company Commanders. I can probably downgrade my Leman Russ Executioner Tank Commander into a normal Leman Russ Executioner and turn one of the Company Commanders into a Primaris Psyker. Hell, I can even turn my Battalion into an Emperor's Wrath Artillery Company, just so I can shoot twice with my Basilisks. Heh! That will be so cool!
Now the next thing of concern to me is Deathwatch, since I have Deathwatch allies for my army.

Basically, Bikers went down 4 points, Chaplain in Terminator Armor went down 10 points, Corvus Blackstar went down 15 points, Dreadnought went down 10 points, Drop pods went down 20 points, Intercessors down 1 point, Land Raider down 39 points, Land Raider Crusader down 44 points, Land Raider Redeemer down 64 points (yeah...), Librarian in Terminator Armor down 18 points, Primaris Chaplain down 8 points, Primaris Watch Captain down 9 points, Redemptor Dreadnought down 35 points, Repulsor down 25 points, Terminators down by 8 points, Vanguard Veterans down 1 point, Venerable Dreadnought down 10 points, Watch Captain in Terminator Armor down 10 points, and Veterans are down 2 points (HELL YEAH!!!!).
Best of all, all our bolt pistols are free! YAY! Absolver bolt pistol, auxiliary grenade launcher and bolt pistols and heavy bolt pistols are all free now! Bolt carbine down by 2 points, chainfist cut 50% to 11 points, combi-flamer down 3 points, combi-grav down 4 points, combi-melta down 4 points, combi-plasma down 3 points, Cyclone missile launcher down 12 points, Dreadnought combat weapon down 10 points, flamer down 3 points, flamestorm gauntlets down 3 points, grav-gun down 3 points, hand flamer down 7 points, heavy flamer down 3 points, heavy onslaught gatling cannon down 6 points, heavy plasma cannon down 14 points, inferno pistol down 13 points, meltagun down 3 points, missile launcher down 5 points, multi-melta down 5 points, plasma gun down 2 points, power fist down 3 points, relic blade down 12 points (HOLY TERRA!!!!), stalker bolt rifle now 1 point - cut by 2 points, storm shield down by 5 points for Characters and down 3 points for others, last but not least twin lascannon cut by 10 points.
That means, my original list of Deathwatch allies that comprised of a Watch Master, a Primaris Watch Captain, a Watch Captain with relic blade, Veterans with storm bolters (Sergeant with stormshield), Veterans with 4 Deathwatch frag cannons (Sergeant with xenophase blade and stormshield), 10 Intercessors with bolt rifles and 2 auxiliary grenade launchers (Sergeant with power sword), and Corvus Blackstar with twin lascannon, hurricane bolter, Blackstar rocket launchers and auspex array, originally costing 976 points, now only cost 893 points. That's an extra 83 points I can spend on elsewhere for my Imperial Guard!
Now the twin lascannon matters because I take Dreadnoughts. Contemptor ones, I mean...

This means my dual twin autocannons Contemptor Mortis Dreadnought is now 148 points instead of 166, and my dual twin lascannons Contemptor Mortis Dreadnought is now 168 points instead of 206.
Adding the Deathwatch Captain with a relic blade, the list from earlier becomes 1,297, enough for me to add 2 Leviathan Dreadnoughts - one with a grav-flux bombard and siege drill (322 points), and the other with one grav-flux bombard and siege claw (312 points) - for a total of 1,931 points. I have no idea what to do with the last 69 points. Alternatively I can swap the siege claw for a 2nd grav-flux bombard on one of the Leviathan Dreadnoughts for another 21 points (333 points), so I would have 48 points left. Otherwise I'll just take out one Leviathan Dreadnought and the lascannon Contemptor Mortis Dreadnought, and the Captain with Relic Blade for an Astra Militarum Battalion that includes 2 Company Commanders with plasma pistols, a Tank Commander in a Leman Russ Executioner tank, 3 infantry squads with plasma guns and 2 Basilisks.
And now, my 2nd favorite faction after the Astra Militarum. The Thousand Sons! Let's see what they have.

Woo! A lot to go through here. Anyway, Chaos Cultists went up by 1 point as rumored, Chaos Land Raider fell by 39 points, Chaos Spawn dropped by 8 points, Defiler dropped by 20 points, Forgefiend dropped by 19 points (another 5 for each Hades autocannon, so 29 in total), Helbrute went down by 12 points, Heldrake dropped by 18 points, Maulerfiend dropped by 20 points as well, Mutalith Vortex beast dropped by 25 points, Rubric Marines dropped by 2 points (YAY!), Scarab Occult Terminators by 3 points, Sorcerer dropped by 5 points, and Sorcerer in Terminator Armor by 18 points. Flamers and Screamers both down by 3 points, by the way, if you're summoning Daemons.
Combi-flamer is now 8 points, down by 3. Combi-melta down by 4 points, Ectoplasma cannon down 6 points, flamer down 3 points, Hades autocannon dropped by 5 as I said earlier, havoc launcher dropped by 5 points, heavy flamer down by 3 points and heavy stubber down 2 points, heavy warpflamer dropped 6 points, Helbrute fists dropped by 10 points, Helbrute hammer dropped 22 points, Helbrute plasma cannon down 14 points, Hellfyre missile rack down 7 points, inferno bolt pistol is now free, missile launcher down 5 points, multi-melta down 5 points, plasma pistol cut by 2 points, power scourge down 8 points, reaper autocannon down 5 points, soulreaper cannon down 5 points, twin heavy flamer down 6 points, twin lascannon down 10 point, warpflamer pistol down 4 points and warpflamers down 5 points (AWESOME!!!!).
Hellforged Contemptor Dreadnoughts are down 15 points and so is the Hellforged Deredeo Dreadnought. While the butcher cannon dropped 5 points and the butcher cannon array dropped a whooping 20 points, the deathclaw dropped 10 points and chainclaw dropped 7 points, the soulburner went up by 7 points, cancelling out the chainclaw drop. The Hellforged Leviathan Dreadnoughts' siege claws and siege drills dropped 25 points. Hellflamers remained the same, but meltaguns dropped 3 points.
Essentially, what this means is that my Thousand Sons army that formerly consisted of a Daemon Prince, Ahzek Ahriman, Exalted Sorcerer on disc, Exalted Sorcerer on foot, 2 squads of 5 Rubric Marines, a squad of 10 Rubric Marines with warpflamers (Aspiring Sorcerer with warpflame pistol), 5 Scarab Occult Terminators, and Chaos Rhino with havoc launcher has dropped a ton of points. Exalted Sorcerers now cost 120 and 140 points respectively, the squad of 5 Rubric Marines cost 96 points (don't forget to remove the inferno bolt pistol's 1 point!), the warpflamer squad costs 261 points, the Rhino now costs 78 points, and the Scarab Occult Terminators now cost 211 points. Awesome. So I basically saved about 125 points. Enough for a Mutalith Vortex Beast if I so desire. In any case, this basic Battalion with an extra Sorcerer tallies to 1,348 points.
My Hellforged Contemptor Dreadnoughts will now cost about 145 points (butcher cannon and deathclaw with combi-bolter, 168 points (butcher cannon and chainclaw with hellflamer), 138 points (twin butcher cannons) respectively. The Hellforged Leviathan Dreadnoughts will cost 339 points (dual Grav-flux bombard, but hellflamers remain the same) and 333 points (soulburner ribaudkin and siege drill) respectively. If I want to really save costs, there is the option of equiping a Leviathan Dreadnought with 2 butcher cannon arrays (289 points) or a soulburner ribaudkin and siege claw (323 points). The Hellforged Deredeo Dreadnought is 198 points.
So I can either build a list with the 3 Contemptor Dreadnoughts and Deredeo Dreadnought, or I can swap the Deredeo Dreadnought and a Contemptor Dreadnought for a Leviathan Dreadnought, or the Scarab Occult Terminators and 3 Contemptor Dreadnoughts for 2 Leviathan Dreadnoughts. Or I could swap the Chaos Rhino and Scarab Occult Terminators out for a Leviathan Dreadnought with 2 butcher cannon arrays. That would be fun.
Anyway, that's how Chapter Approved will be affecting my lists, and it was fun experimenting with the new points. This will be great! Now the problem is obtaining the butcher cannon array and a Carnodon tank...
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