About My Blog

Ave Omnissiah!

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My blog is primarily my own personal fluff in the Warhammer 40,000 universe regarding the Draconis system such as the Knight House Yato in Ryusei, their Household Militia, the Draconian Defenders, and the Forge World of Draconis IV with its Adeptus Mechanicus priesthood, Cybernetica cohorts and Skitarii legions, and the Titan Legion, Legio Draconis, known as the Dark Dragons.

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Retrospective: Imperial Knights

Today, we're going to a Retrospective on...Imperial Knights! I mean, this is primarily an Imperial Knight blog, so obviously if I'm ...

Saturday, July 13, 2024

Return of Ignatius

Thanks to Ahriman: Undying by John French coming out soon, and Magnus unleashing automata from the vaults of Prospero and Sortarius, I succumbed to temptation and started a small Thousand Sons Crusade force.

So now Ignatius is back! I kitbashed him using parts from the Scarab Occult Terminator kit, and gave him a Terminator retinue, much like his Horus Heresy incarnation. It's fun to see how he has changed over 10,000 years. What will this mean for Crusade, though? I guess we will see!

Update: so now I'm at Dreamers Vault, and I added this guy. So Ignatius now has friends! Yay!

Hopefully he will have a Rubric Marine squad to lead soon!

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