I managed to get more Primaris reinforcements today! This time, I bought a Primaris Techmarine in order to go with my mechanized force and Redemptor Dreadnought. I mean, I have a Repulsor Executioner with a Primaris Techmarine driving it, so I might as well get one as my HQ.

Yeah, so my Primaris Techmarine can either double as a 2nd HQ for my Battalion Detachment or take charge of a second Patrol Detachment. I'm not sure how I'm going to group my forces, but we'll see. If I have him take charge of a second Patrol Detachment, he will be driving around in his own personal Impulsor. I would probably grab a few Servitors for him. Given that I have at least eight servo-automata from my Skitarii forces lying around, I might as well have them do double duty for my Black Templars. Well, pending...I might just use a generic Sons of Dorn successor Chapter and use the Legacy of Dorn Doctrine for the fun of it. The one with Bolter Fusillade and either Scions of the Forge (since it's a heavily mechanized list) or Warded (for protection against mortal wounds when I supercharge my plasma weapons for my vehicles).
But yeah, my Bladeguard Veterans will definitely be Black Templars. Now I have a total of nine Bladeguard Veterans. I just like sword-wielding dudes. So...yeah, Black Templars. I plan to have a 6-man squad of Bladeguard Veterans and a single 3-man squad of Bladeguard Veterans. They are Sword Brothers or Sword Brethren because you know, Black Templars. So yay. Since I have an Impulsor and a Repulsor Executioner, the plan was to stick 6 of them in one transport (most likely the Impulsor), while the 3-man squad accompany the Primaris Captain with storm shield, Primaris Lieutenant with neo-volkite pistol and storm shield and Bladeguard Ancient in the other transport (the Repulsor Executioner). Then they will disembark and charge at the enemy. Pretty cool, huh? Oh, and once again, I have dual-wielding Bladeguard Veterans. So now at least three of them dual wield. So I'm looking forward to seeing what they can do. Or rule of cool.
As for my Eradicators...yeah. I now have a squad of Eradicators for my all-gravis army. They'll fit in with my Aggressors and Heavy Intercessors (when I get them eventually). An all-gravis army where all models have a minimum of Toughness 5...except the Primaris Techmarine (but he has a 2+ armor save). That will be cool. I can't wait!
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