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Ave Omnissiah!

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My blog is primarily my own personal fluff in the Warhammer 40,000 universe regarding the Draconis system such as the Knight House Yato in Ryusei, their Household Militia, the Draconian Defenders, and the Forge World of Draconis IV with its Adeptus Mechanicus priesthood, Cybernetica cohorts and Skitarii legions, and the Titan Legion, Legio Draconis, known as the Dark Dragons.

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Today, we're going to a Retrospective on...Imperial Knights! I mean, this is primarily an Imperial Knight blog, so obviously if I'm ...

Saturday, December 2, 2023

First Matched Play Game for 10th Edition

I had my first Matched Play game for 10th edition today. I've been playing nothing but Crusade, and haven't actually played a single Matched Play game before. So it was my Imperial Knights versus Adeptus Custodes. I can't really remember what his list was, exactly, but it was something like this:

Adeptus Custodes

Shield Captain

Blade Champion

3 squads of Allarus Terminators, I think? 1 block of 6 or something.

Custodian Guards

Custodian Wardens

2 squads of 3 Venatari (the jump pack dudes)

Callidus Assassin

I think it was something like that, but I can't really remember, for the life of me.

I brought my usual Knight Lance, which was 3 Armiger Warglaives, a Cerastus Knight Lancer, a Questoris Knight Errant and a Dominus Knight Castellan. I believe I had second turn? So he ran his Custodian Wardens toward the center of the table while the Venatari were in deep strike. The other squad of Custodians moved to the corner, running as well.

Oh, right. His Secondary Objectives or whatever they're called in 10th edition now are Bring It Down and Deploy Teleport Homers. So he did one Teleport homer near the center. I think it wasn't a very exciting first turn for him. On the other hand, I shot a bunch of Custodians off the board, then had my Lancer charge into the Wardens in the center and killed a few between Tank Shock's 6 mortal wounds and his shock lance. Between my three Armigers, Knight Lancer and Knight Errant, I managed to claim 4 objectives.

The Allarus Terminators moved up, and through shooting, took off 11 wounds off my Knight Errant. While my shooting was excellent, my saves were terrible. I couldn't make any armor or invulnerable saves. Oh, well. Anyway, the Knight Lancer was then charged and destroyed by the Allarus Terminators, only for me to roll a 6 for Explodes! And dealing a bunch of mortal wounds around. Heh! Great revenge. The Custodians and Shield Captain charged my Armiger Warglaive at the corner and blew him up. Yikes. But I managed to hold onto three objectives, scoring me 15 for the second battle round.

I tried to shoot the Wardens and Allarus Terminators off the table, but I think I only succeeded in getting rid of a few here and there, and despite charging my Armiger into the Wardens, I killed maybe everyone except the Blade Champion? Then the Venetarii deep struck and killed my second Armiger, while the Allarus Terminators went in and maybe did some damage to my Knight Errant? Fortunately, both my Armiger Warglaive and Knight Errant in the center survived, and in retaliation, I killed one squad of Allarus, one squad of Venatari, and the Blade Champion. Or something like that, I can't remember. Unfortunately, the Allarus Terminators proceeded to teleport away or something? Though one remained to kill my Knight Errant, along with the Venatarii, but my Armiger Warglaive was able to survive.

I was leading on primary, mostly, but I couldn't get secondaries, which was why I ended up falling behind. Even so, while I killed 2 Venatari, one survived, and I also killed one Allarus Terminator, while the other survived. My sole surviving Armiger Warglaive fell back to another objective to steal it from another, but that was pretty much it. That was the last turn, I think? I did score a lot for primary, but because of my failure to get any secondaries except the first turn, I think I only had 70 points to his 91 or something like that. The Knights succumbed to the strength of the Custodes, though I pretty much blasted the majority of his army to bits. Oh, well.

It was a fun game and learning experience, but hopefully, I'll be able to return to Crusade next week! Till then!

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