Well, the biggest complaint about the Imperial Guard Brigade Blood Angels Captain Smashfucker Imperial Knight Castellan have been addressed. They essentially increased the Imperial Knights Stratagems Order of Companions, Our Darkest Hour and Oathbreaker Guidance System to 3 Command Points each, and the Blood Angels Stratagem Upon Wings of Fire to 2 Command Points. Agents of Vect also received an increase to 4 Command Points, by the way.

Oh, and no more Command Point farming with your Astra Militarum Grand Strategist Warlord with Kurov's Aquila Relic of War. Now, you can only refund up to a maximum of 1 Command Point per battle round. That's right. So you can spam like 3 or 4 Stratagems in your turn, but you can only roll and refund one of those. Same if your opponent is spamming Stratagems in one of his turns, you can only roll once and refund one of those. Too bad. Hmm, the wording seems that if you don't roll a 5+, you can actually keep rolling until you get a 5+ and refund 1 Command Point, so it's not that bad. But obviously once you roll that single 5+ for that battle round, no more rolling for the rest of it! Don't cheat! This should help to reign in the Command Point farming that so many people are complaining about. Good job, Games Workshop! It's a far better idea than what everyone has been saying on Bell of Lost Souls, like...uh, separating and restricting Command Points per detachment (which is really cumbersome and annoying), banning allies or Soup altogether (that's just dumb, sorry), etc. With the increase in those abused Stratagems, and the restrictions to refunding Command Points, I think the power of that Imperial Knight Imperial Guard Brigade Blood Angels Battalion list will be reigned in quite a bit.
Tactical reserves also received a big change. Now you can't deploy any of your reinforcements during your first turn, not even if you choose to deploy them in your own deployment zone. Oh well. Oh, and the Alpha Legion and Raven Guard Stratagems have been changed so that they will have a 9" movement before the game begins, instead of them being set up more than 9" away from enemy lines. Okay. Sounds good, I guess.

Oh, and another great change for dudes who are caught in the open with their pants down, either because they fail to seize the initiative or something. Apparently we have a new Stratagem called Prepared Positions, which should help us somewhat blunt Alpha Strikes from the other player. It costs 2 Command Points, but every unit except Titanic units receive the benefit of cover regardless of where they are - even if they're in the open. Awesome, isn't it? Might somewhat benefit melee armies as they run across the battlefield or something. Maybe.

The last thing...there are no points changes or tweaks in the FAQ because those will be in Chapter Approved coming in December. Wait till then!
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