Okay, that looks positively creepy. Oh well.

Hmm, this looks really cool. And see the Scarab Occult Terminators and the Tzaangors at the back? Yeah. Thousand Sons play with Horrors really well.

Honestly, despite what the article says, this is almost useless and impractical. Too unreliable. Statistically wise, it's not going to do anything, especially against Guardsmen. Discarding the highest result? Probably we'll have rolls of 3 and 4, discarding 4, so this Locus is completely useless against vehicles, Imperial Guardsmen and any unit that has a WS 4+. Unless we get really lucky with our rolls and roll 5s and 6s or 2 6s all the time, I don't see how this is useful at all. Maybe it would be more useful if we discard the lowest result because most of the time, our enemies will be using WS 4+ or WS 3+ units, so that lower roll of 1 or 2 or even 3 will be pretty pointless.
Might work against melee orientated armies such as Blood Angels, Khorne and basically Marines, Orks and whoever with WS 3+, but since you have a 33.333% of getting 1s and 2s, and you'll be discarding the highest result...yeah. Nope.
What a pity.
On the other hand, Gaze of Fate seems like an awesome psychic power. Generating free re-rolls so that we don't have to spend Command Points on re-rolls? Sign me up. That sounds an awesome psychic power. I hope the Warp Charge isn't too expensive, though...if it costs 7 or 8, that will be hard to pull off. Then again, there's another awesome Tzeentch Stratagem we can use!

Oh boy. This is pretty awesome. I wonder if Thousand Sons will get something similar to this. It will help with the Sorcerers and Exalted Sorcerers.
And we also have quite the useful psychic power! Flickering Flame is back, and it's much better than ever!

Remember those laughable Strength 3 Flickering Flames yoour Pink Horrors have? Now they wound Marines, Plague Marines and Toughness 4 and 5 dudes on 4+ instead of 3+. Or you can pick a Flamer or Exalted Flamer and they'll be wounding lots of stuff on 2+s. Awesome!
Oh, and welcome back, Impossible Robe.

I remember this. If I'm not mistaken, the invulnerable save goes up to 3++ because of Ephemeral Form. And now it's back. Not bad. But I think there might be more fun relics for Tzeentch...that said, having a 3++ invulnerable save for your Lord of Change or Herald might make them pretty durable. Not worth it on a Herald, though, if you ask me, but totally worth it on your Lord of Change.
Well, while some stuff seems promising, the main Locus seems pretty bad, but I'll keep my eye out on other stuff. I can't wait to see if we get new stuff, and if some of these Tzeentch Daemons and psychic powers get ported over to the Thousand Sons codex. It would be fun!
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