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My blog is primarily my own personal fluff in the Warhammer 40,000 universe regarding the Draconis system such as the Knight House Yato in Ryusei, their Household Militia, the Draconian Defenders, and the Forge World of Draconis IV with its Adeptus Mechanicus priesthood, Cybernetica cohorts and Skitarii legions, and the Titan Legion, Legio Draconis, known as the Dark Dragons.

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Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Sanctus Reach: The Red Waaagh! Part 1

You know, it's kind of funny. There's plenty of Warhammer 40,000 lore videos on YouTube, especially those by Arbitor Ian, Luetin09, Oculus Imperia, and more, but I haven't actually seen a single one on Sanctus Reach: The Red Waaagh! Yes, there are quite a few videos on the video game (available on Steam - I ought to know, because I bought Sons of Cadia a few years ago and played it). They're mainly recorded gameplay or walkthroughs or mods, but not exactly lore videos detailing the campaign.

So I thought, for today's article, we will do an actual lore summary on Sanctus Reach: The Red Waaagh!, which will also be a video on my channel for those people who prefer listening while painting or doing hobbying stuff or even driving, rather than reading. Of course, because I'm primarily a blogger and I know there are people who prefer reading (like me), I'm doing this first as a written article.

So, to first provide context for Sanctus Reach: The Red Waaagh!, I should point out that it is a campaign book released in July 2014, shortly after the release of the Militarum Tempestus codex supplement and Imperial Knight codex in March 2014, and the Astra Militarum codex in April 2014.

While Sanctus Reach: The Red Waaagh! provides a new narrative campaign to provide a story in the Warhammer 40,000 universe, it is also meant to give these fairly new codexes new Formations to play with, something I'll explore later in the article. For now, it's about the titular Red Waaagh! where an Ork armada invades the Knight world of Alaric Prime, the last bastion of resistance in a system overrun by the greenskins. Alaric Prime is defended by its Knight Houses, and their Astra Militarum allies comprising of several Cadian regiments and a Militarum Tempestus contingent.

The Waaagh! is led by an Ork warlord, Grukk Face-rippa, who killed his Warboss, Krugg the Tyrant, to seize power. So the Red Waaagh! is also known as Waaagh! Grukk for now (but you'll see later why they don't just call it Waaagh! Grukk). At the Slaughter of Black Gulch, he tore open a malfunctioning drop pod and slaughtered all ten Space Marines inside. Anyway, he leads an armada to invade the Sanctus Reach system. He even has a flagship in the form of The Wrath of Gork, which he painted red so that it could go faster.

First, the Orks struck Obstiria, the home world of the Obsidian Glaives Space Marine Chapter, and though the majority of the Chapter succeeded in slaying hundreds of thousands of Orks, they were eventually overwhelmed and wiped out by the millions of greenskins.

Next was the Hive world of Ghul Jensen, and despite the planetary governor Ghul Jensen redeploying the Planetary Defense Force to fortify his capital, Hive Jensen, they were still destroyed in three days.

The people of the Rogue Trading post, Malaghai Morca, managed to escape in time before the Orks struck, so yay, I guess? The same can't be said for an Agri world named Squire's Rest, which apparently has been plagued by Ork raiders over the last few years, and now they are believed be to the outriders for Waaagh! Grukk. Needless to say, they probably fell in short order. Thus, the Knight world of Alaric Prime is the only one left.

The first warning that Alaric Prime had of the greenskin menace was when the twin Astropaths of House Kestren suffered psychic trauma and rushed to their master, Lord Gaulemort, to report an incoming xenos invasion - an entire Waaagh! headed in their direction. Gaulemort then sent a message to all the other Knightly houses, but all except one ignored his warning.

Alaric Prime, just like any Knight world is bound to tradition and protocol, and it's so exaggerated here that there's a bunch of nonsensical laws that ended up incarcerating or exiling two-thirds of the planet's populace. Just for yawning during daylight hours or talking when a Noble is speaking in earshot, or pointing at the stars in the night sky. I mean...that's the grimdark, satirical nature of the Warhammer 40,000 universe for you.

Most of Alaric Prime's surface is covered in a viscous sulfuric solution thicker than seawater, while the main continent of Alaric Prime known as as Sacred Isle is surrounded by islands, each a domain of one of its knightly houses. The islands that form the rest of the habitable lands are mostly penitentaries, and obviously most of the imprisoned there are actually not guilty of malicious misconduct. Unfortunately, this means the truly criminal thrive in these lawless proto-societies there.

Worse, the houses of Alaric Prime had long stood divided, with many of the noble lineages having long-standing feuds that frequently erupted in civil wars. This meant that Gaulemort Kestren's message was ignored by all of his rivals, except Lord Neru of House Degallio, who was aware of how dangerous the Orks are, having fought against pirates raiding Squire's Rest and learning of the Obsidian Glaives' demise. In fact, his own astropath had also warned him two hours before Gaulemort's message reached him.

Despite protests from his own house, Neru Degallio, with the support of his Knight Regal, Ursor Firesword, and his Aegis, Sire Jedric of the Black Shield, rode his Knight, the White Warden, to House Kestren, and Gaulemort accompanied him and his Knights to the supposedly forbidden Sacred Mountain to send a distress call.

Of course, this meant the knightly houses of Velemestrin, Brahmica, Terryn (no, not the one from Voltoris), and Kamata censured Houses Kestren and Degallio for breaching Sacred Mountain, but just before civil war broke out, Castellan Stein - a Cadian commander - sent a message. Originally tasked with reinforcing Ghul Jensen, the Cadians had arrived too late to fulfil their primary mission, but they had outrun the cumbersome ships of the Red Waaagh! and were able to bolster the defenses of Alaric Prime. Accompanying them was a fleet of black-armored warships from the nearby Schola Progenium planet, Edificus, bringing a contingent of Militarum Tempestus Scions.

The Cadians landed and then began fortifying Alaric Prime for war.

House Degallio is the most powerful knightly house in Alaric Prime, and apparently they have their own navy. Cool. However, Isle Degallio is a fusion-powered superstructure that dwarves even the mightiest battleship in Lord Neru's fleet, a mobile conglomeration of prison hulks that has transformed into a conjoined fleet. It also houses not only dozens of Knights but also its own civilian population.

Castellan Jakren Stein is the overall commander of Alaric Prime's defenses, marshalling not only his Cadian regiments but also the Militarum Tempestus contingent, and setting up Hydra squadrons and Icarus batteries. The islander houses also enlisted thousands of minor offenders from the prisons into regiments known as House Militia.

Jakren Stein is a stoic and canny commander with a hard won reputation as he rose to the ranks of Castellan, and among his achievements was the defense of Hive Svard, brutally putting down the Sorschan Rebellion, and even the battle of Crimson Deeps against superior rebel forces who surrounded his company, where he led them to break out of the encirclement at the cost of 90% casualties. I'm not sure why he has never shown up in any other Black Library novel or campaign supplements - he's such a cool character. My in-head canon/fanfiction has him being rerouted to the Draconis system (which contains Ryusei, the Knight world of my House Yato), after the Space Wolves intervened with the whole Inquisition thing - more on that later.

The Ork fleet finally arrived to invade Alaric Prime, dropping...uh, dropships on the Knight world. The Cadians fired their Icarus lascannons and Hydra flak cannons, destroying five percent of the Ork rust-ships, but they were mostly protected by kustom force fields. Castellan Stein also dispatched Thunderbolt squadrons against the enemy ships, but they were outnumbered by Ork Dakkajets, and sent crashing. The surviving Ork dropcrafts slammed down on Alaric Prime's surface, and Orks began pouring out of their craft.

The thousand-mile ring of fortifications around Sacred Mountain began firing in all directions into the Ork hordes, massacring them. But there were so many Orks that they still came on, using each other as stepping stones and flinging themselves at hapless Guardsmen.

Fortunately, the Knights strike back. Two dozen Knights, with the warriors of Houses Velemestrin and Brahmica in the lead just behind Lord Gaulemort Kestren himself, charged into the fray and slaughtered the Orks. House Terryn stayed back to fire with long-ranged battle cannons, while Sire Dindh of House Brahmica revelled in close combat. Their ion shields and thick armor protected them from the Orks' firepower.

The Knights succeeded in annihilating the Orks in a broad column as they plunged toward the heart of the horde, but the greenskins flowed around their forward blitz before swarming behind them to cut the Knights off from the Cadians. Despite Stein's demands that they pull back, the Knights ignored him and went straight for the largest rust-ship. That proved to be their downfall.

The first Knight casualty was Rolundus Velemestrin, piloting his Knight suit, Gauntlet. While Rolundus was busily slaughtering Orks, Gauntlet fell to a thrumming chain-arm of a massive Ork war effigy (I assume it's a Stompa).

A full quarter of the rust-ship's flank fell open, with the hinged slab crushing Sire Vocus's Knight suit like a rations tin. Ouch. The resulting detonation, along with the crashing of the rust-ship's flank sent a cloud of dust across the battlefield, obscuring the Cadians' vision and causing them to miss, so the Orks ran over their fortifications and routed the Guardsmen despite them fixing bayonets.

When the cloud cleared, a Stompa lumbered out and obliterated Sire Faragheist's Knight. Sire Luminer's Knight launched a counterattack, but even his Strength D reaper chainblade only took a couple of hull points off the Stompa (unluckily, he didn't roll a 6 for the 6+D6 wounds/hull points without any saves allowed) before it crushed his armor with its own chainsaw.

...um, there's a random tidbit about Dyros of House Kamata, the second son of Hyram Kamata, who became a Freeblade when he heard whispers from his deceased older brother from the Throne Mechanicum during the Ritual of Becoming, and thus learned of his father's treachery that led to the murder of his brother. A Freedblade known as the Blade of Redemption, he had returned from the far reaches of Alaric Prime to fight the Orks alongside Houses Kestren and Degallio.

Unfortunately, House Kestren fell shortly after this. The Knights were unable to damage the rampaging Stompa, which stomped on Sire Falchine Kestren's Knight next. Finally, Gaulemort Kestren was able to hurt the Stompa with his thermal cannon, but Grukk leaped out and landed on his Knight's helm. Gaulemort was about to shock the Ork with his ion shield, but despite requesting that his fellow nobles hold fire, Sylvost Velemestrin ignored his order and fired at him, causing his ion shield to dissipate. Grukk then proceeded to rip open the carapace hatch and plucked Gaulemort from his throne and saw him into two. His son, Moloris, attempted revenge, but his Knight suit was hammered aside by the damaged Stompa, allowing Grukk to leap onto Moloris's Knight suit and...uh, stomp him to death.

Reeling at the loss of their leaders, the surviving Knights Kestren retreated toward the Cadian defense line, but they now found themselves surrounded by the Orks. Sire Dinh of House Brahmica also fell, as did Oberstraus of House Terryn, and eventually only three Knights were left. Fortunately, for the trio, the Steel Host arrived in time to pull them out - Cadian tanks showing up to blast apart encircling ork vehicles and luring the Ork horde toward them. Those who charged them were incinerated by a trio of Hellhound flame tanks.

This bought the remaining Cadian platoons and those few Knights a reprieve, and they were ordered to head south and rendezvous by the banks of Boiling River. Though the Ork vanguard had been blunted, every single Knight of House Kestren - including Lord Gaulemort - had perished.

Oh, here's a bit of tidbit on the Steel Host, a tank regiment of the Cadian 1652nd, supporting the 1651st's infantry or adding their firepower to the artillery barrages of the 1653rd. They are led by Tank Commander Silas Ovik.

The Cadians still had to face millions of Orks, and while Castellan Stein originally planned to rebuff the Ork attack from a defended position, neutralize one rust-ship's horde, then retreat to Boiling River and use its great bridges as killing fields to deal with the next rust-ship's swarm, maximizing the advantage of narrow points, but...

However, things never go as planned, and the Orks had mustered in the south in great numbers. Though Stein was dismayed by the sheer numbers of the foe, and realized if things didn't change, Alaric Prime would fall within a week, he still had a plan to use the Boiling River. From his command tank, he had the battle tanks and artillery of the 1652nd and 1653rd take up position on the banks.

The Orks charged, only to be massacred by the Cadian 1653rd's artillery fire. Even so, the survivors continued to run forward instead of retreat, and more of them fell to coordinated lasfire. At Bridge Zeta Sec, though, the Orks were protected by kustom force fields, and were less vulnerable to the artillery fire. When the Orks finally reached the bridges, Chimera armored transports were dispatched to both the Zeta Sec and Zeta Tert bridges, their Ogryn passengers disembarking to hold the Orks at bay with their slabshields and armor. The abhuman counterattack kicked the suicide bomber squigs into the river below, while holding steady to meet the Ork charge.

While the Bullgryn line held the bridges, the Ork vanguard plunged into the river eagerly to swim across, and despite the toxic sulfurous vents, the greenskins survived the boiling environment. A small portion of the Orks succumbed to it, but the rest were slowed enough for the Cadians to exterminate them.

Grukk then showed up in a massive wagon, having left his wrecked Stompa behind (apparently, it had been damaged enough by Gaulemort Kestren that he had to settle for turning it into a scrap metal fortress). Grukk and a horde of Orks alighted from the wagon at the end of the bridge and charged. Stein then reassigned his Valkyrie and Vendetta air support to intercept the xenos commander before he could reach the Cadian line. However, the Militarum Tempestus regiments and their accompanying Taurox Prime APCs wouldn't make it in time.

Grukk cannonballed into the Bullgryns and bludgeoned them to death, taking out even Bonehead Grunkt, the sergeant of the Bullgryn squad. Fortunately, the Ogryns were reinforced with another two Bullgryn squads just in time to meet Grukk's elite bodyguard of Nobs. The Cadians slaughtered hundreds of Orks, but with the Bullgryns embroiled in a desperate melee against Grukk and the heavily armored Nobs, they were unable to stem the tide, and the Orks kept coming.

Castellan Stein, having predicted this eventuality, ordered his Cadians to withdraw platoon by platoon without slowing their rate of fire. Though several Guardsmen fell, the majority retreated safely so that the heavy weapon platoons could catch the pursuing Orks in a clear killing field and annihilate them.

For one moment, it appeared that Stein's trap had worked, and though the Bullgryns had fallen to Grukk's onslaught, the Cadians exterminated the Orks at each bottleneck at the far side of the river, with the artillery companies of the 1653rd hammering them with deadly barrages.

Unfortunately, the Imperium can't have nice things, and the Orks teleported into the rear and overwhelmed the artillery positions, wiping out the gunmen and destroying the Basilisks. Though Tempestor Prime Whitlock's Valkyries and Vendettas were inbound to help, they were unable to do anything as the Ork raiders stole the Basilisks and turned them on the withdrawing Cadians, killing dozens of them. With the distraction, the Orks lunged forward and threatened to rout the disciplined Cadian retreat.

Fortunately, Lord Neru Degallio and his Knights showed up to the party. Isle Degallio had arrived and slammed into the Great Estuary, disgorging dozens...maybe even over a hundred Imperial Knights. They split up into four battle groups, with two Knight Lances taking the west bank and bombard the thickening bottleneck of Orks attempting to cross at Zeta Tert. The other two Lances headed east, intercepting the Orks on the southeast that were trying to cut off the Cadians' line of escape.

Stein made use of the reprieve to restore order and resume the withdrawal, while Tempestor Prime Whitlock's Militarum Tempestus regiments grav-chuted from their Valkyries and killed every single Ork swarming over the artillery batteries. The Cadians mounted up on their Taurox and Chimera transports before beginning their firing retreat.

The Albaster Lancers of Lord Neru Degallio annihilated much of the Orks in Grukk's bottlenecked column at Zeta Tert. They proceeded to destroy the bridge and strand the Orks of the first rust-ship on one side of the Great Estuary to allow their Cadian allies to escape. Unfortunately, Grukk and his Meganobz were charging toward them even as they undertook the time-consuming task.

Lord Degallio's White Warden then stomped forward, used his reaper chainsword to saw into the central stanchion of the bridge, then fired his battle cannon pointblank into the crumbling bridge, causing it to break in half. Hundreds of Orks, along with Grukk and his heavily armored retinue - who were literally a few meters away from the White Warden - fell into the Burning River. See ya later, Boyz!

While the Degallio Knights were focused on toppling the bridge and protecting their Lord Neru, Ork walkers arrived from the rear and took out a few of them, including Sire Betel Degallio. Surrounded, with no line of retreat, Lord Neru ordered his Knights to rally in the watercourse of the Burning River, conjuring their ion shields to protect themselves. Lots of Gorkanauts closed in on them, and the Western Degalio detachment had been reduced to fewer than ten strong. Worse, the Knights were taking heavy fire from the Orks who had been fighting the Cadians on the other side of the river.

Lord Neru ordered his lance to break formation and stride downriver in a formation that maximized their overlapping ion shields as they withdrew to Isle Degallio. Ork vehicles pursued the Degallio Knights, along with Deffkoptas. Sire Tetherine Degallio's Knight went down, but the rest managed to make it within range of Isle Degallio's cover fire, which decimated the Ork vehicles and Deffkoptas. Hah! Lord Neru Degallio's Knights then marched back into their floating fortress, safe and sound.

Despite Waaagh! Grukk's initial assault being blunted, the wounded and vengeful Grukk bashed together an army larger than his two previous forces combined. Meanwhile, the Imperial troops consolidated their forces at the base of Sacred Mountain, and were ready for him.

House Degallio had bought the Cadians time to withdraw, as per Castellan Stein's original plan, and the Cadians rallied at Sacred Mountain. Unfortunately, despite inflicting staggering casualties upon the Orks, there remained billions of them. Unless they struck a decisive blow, the Cadians and their Imperial Knight allies would be surrounded and overrun.

Stein's plan was to lure the Ork advance to an ambush on the steep slopes of the mountain, where they could bring the big guns of the Imperial Guard and Imperial Knights to bear on the slowed greenskins, as well as draw Grukk himself to the frontline. For, if they succeeded in slaying the beast, they would decapitate the Waaagh! in one go, crippling its morale and cohesion.

While the Cadians manned the slopes of Sacred Mountain - and whatever was inside the forbidding peak was causing interference with their vox - Lord Viashtu and his House Brahmica, along with the Knights of House Velemestrin, marched into view. At their rear was a green and bronze Knight Errant only known as Gerantius, who refused to respond to any attempts to communicate with him.

However, Stein had no time to ponder on the arrival of the mysterious Freeblade because the Orks finally chose that moment to attack. The artillery commander of the 1653rd had ordered his regiments to open fire, and Stein also issued the order for all guns to fire at will. The Cadians dug in across the fortified slopes of the mountain delivered overlapping fields of fire, as well as heavy weapon platoon fusillade. As the Orks approached, they were eventually met with fire from Baneblades and Stormhammers, then the battle cannons of Houses Brahmica and Velemestrin's Knight Paaldin.

Orks then teleported right in their lines, but the Cadians were prepared for them, hundreds of lasguns turning on the greenskins and felling them where they appeared. Gerantius even did this badass move where he practically jumped and landed on teleporting Meganobz to crush them before vaporizing the survivors with his thermal cannon. Cool.

Ork Dakkajets were brought down by the Steel Hosts' Hydra, while Taurox transports blasted buggies to shreds. Gerantius again did this cool thing by jumping off a boulder and swatting two Deffkoptas out of the air while bringing down a third with his heavy stubber. Hah!

Oh, and every Noble in Alaric Prime had heard tales of the ancient and legendary Knight, Gerantius, also known as the Forgotten Knight. He dwells in the heart of Sacred Mountain for millennia, a cyclopean guardian with uncanny prescience, who guards the priceless secrets of its vaults.

Anyway, Stein intended to take advantage of the Orks' compulsion to engage in melee. The Orks hurled themselves at the defended positions in ever greater numbers, but the Cadians and their Knight allies repelled them. Eventually, Grukk appeared in the frontlines, and the Forgotten Knight, Gerantius, moved to stop him.

Grukk's personal transport was escorted by a trio of Ork wagons, and its ablative armor was proof against the Cadians' firepower. The nobles of Houses Velemestrin and Brahmica stepped forward, their Knights Errant destroying the wagons, but Grukk's transport barged through the wrecks, bent on smashing into Stein's position.

Gerantius barged sidelong into the Ork wagon, flipping it to its side. Grukk and his fellow passengers spilled out and charged at Gerantius, even as Stein ordered three Cadian special weapon squads forward to assassinate the Warboss. The Castellan himself fired his plasma pistol, along with the grenades from his special weapons teams. Grukk was thrown from his feet, and to add insult to injury, Gerantius kicked the Warboss's own wrecked battlewagon onto his broken body to finish him off (but we all know that isn't enough to kill an Ork, especially one of Grukk's stature).

Still, the Orks who witnessed his apparent demise fell into dismay, and Stein ordered his Cadians to charge. Without their leader, the Orks were routed by the triumphant Guardsmen, even as they turned tail to retreat. The battle had turned into a massacre, and Stein had earned his victory.

While the battle raged on the slopes of Sacred Mountain, fighting continued around the Boiling River and the beached rust-ships. Distracted by the events on the mountain, the Ork bosses were taken by surprise by a lone Knight of House Kamata who smashed his way into the Wrath of Gork, to the cheers of the Guardsmen still holding position on the same side of the Boiling River.

The Freeblade Dyros Kamata had returned, and he purged the interior of Wrath of Gork of Meks and other Orks, while searching the wrecks of House Kestren's Knights for survivors.

As Stein anticipated, Grukk's apparent death led to a breakdown in cohesion of the Ork invasion as the horde fell apart due to infighting. The bosses of various tribes fought to become the new master of the leaderless Waaagh!, even as they were bombarded by Imperial artillery. Having broken against the bastion of Sacred Mountain, the Ork horde was scattered by the assaults of the Cadians and their Knight allies. Stein continued to drive a wedge between the Ork klans and tribes through the use of bombardment or Militarum Tempestus surgical strikes, dividing and displacing the xenos because there were too many of them to exterminate - billions, in fact.

Unfortunately, he didn't count on Big Mek Mogrok taking over the Waaagh!.

While the various Ork bosses were vying for leadership, Big Mek Mogrok and his Bad Moons were already enacting their plan. Mogrok was talented in creating big war machines, which earned him a spot in the upper echelons of Grukk's tribe. He was the power behind the throne for some time, having pioneered the kustom force fields that protected the armada of rust-ships, created the Gorkanauts that engaged the Imperial Knights at Boiling River, and spawned the Morkanauts for his personal horde.

In fact, Mogrok had intentionally steered Waaagh! Grukk toward Obstiria in hopes that a Space Marine Chapter defending their home world would be able to slay him. Unfortunately, Grukk obliterated the Obsidian Glaives and won, so Mogrok continued to linger behind the scenes. Fortunately, the Knights of Alaric Prime were able to lay Grukk low, allowing Mogrok to rise in power.

After Grukk's downfall at Sacred Mountain, Mogrok mustered his forces in his titanic rust-ship, Toof o' Mork, and marshalled his horde of Mekboyz, Lootas, Battlewagons and walkers toward the largest concentration of humans he could find. He led his Mek horde toward the massed formations of human infantry making their way across the savannah toward a plateau of crenellated keeps in the distance. With victory over the human army, Mogrok would launch his own Waaagh! Mogrok and rally the other Ork tribes to his banner.

On the rolling Auspice Savannah, far to the east of Sacred Mountain, Stein's second in command, Sergeant Fleiss, was leading an army of thousands of tanks and millions of infantry to rendezvous with the remaining Knights of House Brahmica. They intended to use House Brahmica's castle as their base of operations to scour the eastern side of the continent of greenskins.

On their way there, they encountered a massive armored wedge of Ork vehicles, and Sergeant Fleiss ordered them to open fire, destroying the Ork vehicles. Unfortunately, they didn't know that the vehicles were empty, aside from expendable grots steering the vehicles. When the Cadians wrecked the vehicles, they formed a wall of scrap that obscured the human soldiers' view, only for the Feet of Mork - Mogrok's hundreds-strong Dread Mob - to bash their way through the makeshift wall and close in on the humans.

Behind the massed Killa Kans and Deff Dreads were the Mekanobs, whose armor withstood the heavy Cadian firepower. Then Mogrok himself and lots of armored Boyz. The Cadians held their ground, as Mogrok anticipated, and despite massed lasgun fire, most of the Orks' armor protected them. His horde hit home and engaged the Imperial Guard in close quarters, slaughtering the humans.

A rust-ship descended from above, dropping massive balls of scrap metal that smashed into the rear echelons of the Cadian armies and killing dozens of men with each impact. But these were Morkanauts, and now they were right in the midst of the Cadian ranks, discharging great blasts of lightning that fried the poor men. Battle tanks and transport carriers tried to hit them, but to little effect.

Worse, a Gargant named Gungutz slowly descended into the fight, blowing up more humans. The Knights of House Brahmica strode out of the castle to join the fight, but even they were dwarved by Gungutz. While they reaped a toll on the greenskins, Mogrok's next move came into play. The Speed Freeks, with their Dakkajets, soared into the skies above the savannah, with a giant wrecking ball attached to a single one of them. Unfortunately, it caught the wreckage of a battle tank and crashed.

The rest of the Dakkajets didn't bother with the Cadians and sent their wrecking balls right into the Knights of House Brahmica, knocking them over. Ouch. The surviving Knights managed to take out the flyboys with their heavy stubbers and battle cannons, though, so yay. One of the Knights Errant managed to vaporize Gungutz's head, but the headless Gargant remained operable.

Mogrok then activated his tellyport blasta and disappeared to enact the next phase of his plan...which will be an article for another day. Point is, despite Grukk Facerippa's apparent death, the Waaagh! is not over. Waaagh! Grukk has now been replaced by Waaagh! Mogrok (which explains why the campaign supplement is known as the Red Waaagh!), and the humans are in for a big fight. Alaric Prime is still in danger of falling, particularly with the kunnin' Mogrok now at the helm. Will he succeed, or will the Cadians and Knight houses of Alaric Prime deny him his triumph? We'll find out...

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