Yes, that's right. Today's Grotmas Detachment is literally...Admech Knight. In other words, me! Muahaha! I've been immortalized by Games Workshop as the theme for one of their Imperial Knights detachment! My infamy has spread to Nottingham somehow! if.
Jokes aside,
Warhammer Community has posted the Grotmas detachments for both Imperial Knights and Chaos Knights, and obviously I'm really pleased with the Imperial Knights one as it allows you to combine Skitarii and Knights for 10th edition, that I always wanted to do. Yay! I was always puzzling over how to combine my Skitarii with my Mechanicus Knights because 10th edition no longer allows allies, and it was just dumb if I had to do Imperial Agents with my Knights when I wanted to do Skitarii plus Knights. For most of my Pariah Nexus Crusade, I simply took a single Knight of the Cog with my Skitarii Hunter Cohort, but now I can actually combine them for a more thematic Admech Knight army! Minus my beloved Onager Dunecrawlers, though.
I even get to field my Tech-priest Dominus alongside them, which is a treat because I don't really get to field him in my Skitarii Hunter Cohort. Archmagos Theta-Rho finally takes to the battlefield! And I get to field all of my Mechanicus Knights - Sir Kanda in his Knight Lancer alongside the two Armigers Moirax! Yay! I might add a Knight Castellan and maybe an Atrapos alongside the Skitarii and Tech-priest - and I might field the Archmagos Prime as a proxy Tech-priest Dominus to kind of differentiate the wild and diverse augmetics and upgrades that the Tech-priests of the Mechanicus sport. He already has a "volkite blaster" (okay, I know it's a volkite serpenta) and I can treat the conversion beam cannon as a macrostubber or phosphor serpenta (I think?). He'll look more fun that way than being simply identical to my other Tech-priest Dominus. A third alternative is to use my Magos Macrotek, though I feel he resembles a Tech-priest Enginseer more.
So what do we get if we use this detachment? Up to 25% of your army can be Mechanicus - that's 250 points for Incursion, 500 for Strike Force and 750 for Onslaught, but you can only bring a Tech-priest Dominus, a Tech-priest Manipulus, Skitarii Marshal, Skitarii Rangers and Skitarii Vanguard. You'll notice the Skitarii Marshal is kind of redundant or makes your Detachment Rule redundant - your Skitarii (or Tech-priests) natively get rerolls of hit rolls of 1s, and even get to reroll wound rolls of 1s if they're within 6" of a Knight. Secondly, your Knights recover 1 wound per Command Phase, or D3 if they're within 3" of a Tech-priest. And if we even have an enhancement for a Tech-priest to heal 2 extra wounds per Command Phase! The Magos Questoris! Whoa!
And if you rerolls for your Knights and not just Skitarii, then enhance your Knight into a Knight of the Opus Machina and he can reroll hit rolls of 1s if he's within 6" of your Adeptus Mechanicus units (which you'll already get because of Magos Questoris).
Speaking of which, I find it odd that you can't take a Tech-priest Enginseer. Wouldn't they be more appropriate for repairing Knights? Well, whatever.
Stratagems are affordable, with all of them costing just 1 Command Point. One gives you a 5+++ Feel No Pain, like the Honored stuff for the Noble Lance detachment that I've been running. We also get to ignore modifiers (so no more mini-transhuman, hah!) or give Skitarii a Bondsman buff instead of an Armiger. Or a Titanic Knight can overwatch with one weapon (I bet most people are thinking a Knight Valiant and his triple flamer/conflagration cannon for this).
Now, I know Goonhammer is talking about Castling and how the Knights are much faster than the Skitarii units. But wait! Don't forget that Skitarii Rangers have 6" Scout natively, which gives them up to 12" movement in the first turn, allowing them to keep up with Knights. Combine that with their sticky objectives ability (so park them or scout them onto an objective to capture it, then move them another 6" forward during the Movement Phase), that should allow you more freedom of movement than Goonhammer said. Unless they are referring to keeping your Knights next to the Tech-priests to get the heal D3 wounds per Command Phase, then that makes sense.
Anyway, I can't wait to field this Detachment in January, once the Grotmas indexes become available in the Warhammer app. YAY!