First, I just thought it would be fun to do stuff like this: comparing my Adeptus Titanicus Knights with my actual 8th Edition Knights. Look at how my little Knight Crusaders stack up against my big Knight Crusader! And then the little Knights Errant running at the feet of the big Knight...well, Crusader with the thermal cannon. Not to mention the little Knights Gallant escorting the big Knight Gallant. Last and not least, we have the little Cerastus Knight Lancers standing tall with the big Cerastus Knight Lancer.

The only big Knight I don't have is the Acastus Knight Porphyrion, but that is not something I can ever afford. That damned thing costs over US$500. Nope. I'm not gonna afford that on my current salary. It sucks, but I don't have a choice but to not bother with it. Come to think of it, the Acastus Knight is pretty strong in Adeptus Titanicus, to the point it's bordering on insanely overpowered. Sure, they die easily to maximal fire from plasma weapons, or they get blown to bits by quake cannons and volcano cannons (especially the Belicosa), and if you can get in close with melta cannons or smash them in melee, they die pretty easily too.

However, they...just kill stuff. A couple of banners firing can utterly wreck a single Titan...even a Reaver Titan. Well, they probably won't do much to a Warlord Titan, but my Acastus Knights were literally killing a Reaver Titan a turn. Ouch.

Anyway, that's not the point here. I'm more interested in looking at how I have both versions of Knights! I love my Imperial Knights so much, and it's really fun to see the Adeptus Titanicus scale Knights in contrast to the normal 8th edition Knights. I can switch back and forth between both games and still play Knights. Knights are awesome! Maybe I should send the pictures to Natfka for his What's on your table posts on his Faeit 212 blog. I can see the title being Knights Big and Small. That would be fun.

After the Adeptus Titanicus game today, I managed to paint my Skitarii. I painted another Castellax in hopes of them getting rules for 8th edition someday (when they do, I'll get a second Thanatar). And then I did all their bases. The last time I posted about my Skitarii, I was talking about how the red looks really good on them, and the addition of Runefang Steel really helped them to stand out brilliantly. I liked the new color scheme and the addition of red and steel, which made my Skitarii look a lot better than the original black and gold color scheme, which quite frankly was pretty bland and boring.

So now they look cool, and I added Martian Ironearth to their bases! They are Skitarii, after all, so it makes more sense for them to be standing on Martian soil. Or at least terrain that resembles Martian soil. I hope.

My Skitarii's bases differ a lot from my Knights and Imperial Guard, who chose to use snow-themed bases (a huge touch of Valhallan Snow), but I like how they turn out, and it'll be kind of weird to use snow for Skitarii anyway. Not to mention, a little...boring. I prefer the variety. I really like the contrast - my Imperial Guard and Imperial Knights running around in snow while my Skitarii stomp about in Martial soil. Yay!

It's not just the Skitarii infantry, but also the Legio Cybernetica robots. I also had the majority of my Cybernetica automata striding around in Martial Ironearth. Yay! They look really cool! I also like the texture of the Martial Ironearth, it looks really cool!

The Draconian Skitarii with House Yato is sort of a parallel to House Taranis and Martian Skitarii. So we have the Skitarii of the forge world Draconis IV often attached to the Knights of House Yato (hailing from Draconis III), marching alongside them to war! Especially since I'm very involved in Adeptus Titanicus, I'm having my Imperial Knights bonded to Legio Draconis, my Titan Legio of Draconis IV. Thus the Skitarii of Draconis IV, who often fight alongside Titans and Knights, comprise of Secutarii. Maybe the first squad of each maniple is comprised of Secutarii Hoplites, who ride alongside a Cerastus Knight Lancer in their Skorpius Dunerider (I know it's a Skorpius Disintegrator here, but I can swap out the stuff and turn him into a Dunerider if necessary). The rest of the Skitarii serve as escorts for the Questoris Knights, while the automata of the Legio Cybernetica provide heavy support and firepower. The Skitarii of Draconis IV tend to be inclined toward Titan Guard duties, often occupying or capturing objectives after the God-engines of the Titan Legio march through a recently conquered world. The Knights of House Yato frequently accompany them, mostly because they serve as escorts and scouts for the Titan Legio.

They look really cool! Even though my painting is horrible and my colors are all over the place, I'm pretty pleased with the paint-job that I did. Hopefully I'll be able to field all of them atop the table soon! That would be awesome!

I thought I should provide some close-ups...maybe I should just stop now. Sorry.

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