I meant to post this on Saturday, but I ended up returning home pretty late. So I postponed writing the battle report to today instead.
Anyway, I managed to get a single game in Dreamers Vault, against a guy with a Chaos Space Marines list. It was quite the...uh, experience. Anyway, he used Alpha Legion trait for his Chaos Space Marines and changed his list quite a bit. I've only ever played against his Dark Angels once (the one where my Adeptus Mechanicus army tabled him in 3 turns or so, I'm sure you remember that battle report), but his Dark Legion list looked a lot stronger. Unfortunately, after losing to the Tau guy with the Stormsurge...well, I say that but the Tau guy used Primaris Marines with a Repulsor in that game, he ditched his Heldrake and went for an Alpha Legion list which he claimed was much stronger. I gulped when I saw his list, and he was telling me how he was going to wreck my tanks or something.
But I'm here to have fun, even if I lose, so I decided to play with him regardless. He forbade me from bringing superheavies, so I wasn't allowed to use my Shadowsword or Imperial Knights (I didn't bring my Imperial Knights anyway, but I already knew that because he didn't allow me to take one when I played against his Dark Angels with my Adeptus Mechanicus). Anyway, his list looked something like this: A Chaos Lord, a Sorcerer in Terminator armor, 3 Chaos Space Marines squads with a lascannon each, a group of 10 Cultists, 2 Warp Talons squads, 3 Obliterator squads, a Helbrute with twin lascannon, a group of 18 Khorne Berzerkers, and something like that. That's about all I remember. He put his Warp Talons, Obliterators and Sorcerer in reserve, so that they can deep strike during his turn.
Since I was not allowed to bring my Shadowsword, I had to scramble and readjust my list, so I cobbled together a 2,000-point list by replacing my Shadowsword with infantry and a Sentinel. So in the end my list looked like this: a Spearhead Detachment of a Leman Russ Executioner tank commander, a Leman Russ Executioner, a Leman Russ Annihilator, a mortar heavy weapons team and a lascannon heavy weapons team, with a Primaris Psyker as the 2nd HQ. Then a Battalion Detachment of 2 Company Commanders, another Primaris Psyker, 2 Command squads with 4 plasma guns each, 3 infantry squads with a plasma gun each and an Armored Sentinel with plasma cannon. Rounding them out is a Stormtrooper Battalion Detachment with 2 Tempestors Prime, 2 5-men Stormtrooper squads with 2 hot-shot volley guns each, 1 10-men Stormtrooper squad, 2 Tempestus command squads with 4 plasma guns each, a Valkyrie and a Taurox Prime.
My opponent was supposed to go first - he won the roll-off, but somehow I stole the Initiative by rolling a 6. My opponent's face darkened immediately and the match was never the same again.

Before I began, my opponent used an Alpha Legion Stratagem to deploy his Berzerkers away in the back of one of his deployment zones. Basically we drew the Invade or whatever Objective - the one with the Objective marker in the center and one objective in each deployment zone, and we're supposed to hold them, gaining 3 points if we hold them for consecutive turns. The deployment zone was weird because it meant I had the center, and my opponent split his forces into two ends of the table. He actually won the roll-off and decided to take that deployment zone. I was like, "are you sure you don't want the center? If you give me the center, I'll have the advantage because I'll be holding 2 objectives." His reply was, "nah, you won't be holding the objectives for long because I'll Deep Strike my guys and blow your dudes off the objectives."
Well, suit yourself.
Anyway, he used the Stratagem to deploy his Berzerkers far away because they were deployed right in front of my forces or something, in plain sight, ready to get shot at. I think he was banking too much on getting first turn, but whatever.
Turn 1
After he deployed his Berzerkers, I started my turn by moving my Valkyrie 10" after dropping him in hover mode. Then I gav-chuted my 10-men Kasrkins/Kamikaze Troopers down in front of his objective and moved them there. My 2 command squads and company commander moved up toward that same objective, with an infantry squad moving in front of them to serve as meatshields (well, if it's shooting, it won't matter). My Primaris psyker also moved in that direction. On the opposite side of my board, my Taurox Prime sped toward the other deployment zone of my opponent's. Then I deep struck my Kamikaze plasma command squads right behind the Berzerkers, and both 5-men squads in front of them Berzerkers.
My opponent was not pleased at all.
Pyshic phase - Primaris Psyker used Smite, did 1 mortal wound and killed a single Chaos Space Marine.
Shooting phase - My Armored Sentinel fired, rolled for only one shot, and he missed. He did nothing. However, this is where the fun begins. Basically, my plasma command squads killed one tactical squad, and I lost a guy to supercharge. My 10-men Kasrkins/Kamikaze Troopers had the First Rank, Fire! Second Rank, Fire! and managed to kill 4 in a 2nd squad, but with them firmly rooted in cover, one guy survived. The infantry squad fired, and his 2+ save (in cover) saved him from all the lasgun shots, only for the single plasma gunner to obliterate him. I can't remember what the Valkyrie fired at, but he probably killed several guys in the 2nd squad? I know his lascannon missed the Hellbrute, that's all I remember. The mortar squad fired and killed 4 Cultists even though they were out of line of sight (mortars are good). The lascannon squad fired and destroyed the Hellbrute by putting exactly 8 wounds on him. Nice! The Kamikaze plasma squads killed a big chunk of Berzerkers, while the two 5-men Kamikaze squads with hot-shot volley guns didn't do much damage. Maybe only killed one. The Taurox Prime fired and killed about 3 Chaos Space Marines in the 3rd squad, and my Leman Russ Annihilator finished them off with his twin lascanons. Wow. My Leman Russ Executioner (Tank Commander) then fired on the Berzerkers and erased another huge chunk of them. Out of 18, I killed a total of 12.
My opponent was not pleased at all. He was so furious he was chucking and throwing his models every time I killed them, to the point one of them fell on the ground and broke, and when I expressed concern and asked if he needed glue, he snapped at me. He was just hurling them to the next table and well, I guess throwing a tantrum? But in just one turn, I almost tabled him.
Apparently he lost all his Berzerkers and Cultists to morale. I don't understand, I saw him roll a 1 for morale for his Berzerkers, so how the heck did they all die? Apparently he rolled a 6 for the Cultists' morale so he snatched them off the table, claimed that I had won him by tabling him (even though he technically still had a single Chaos Lord on the table), and refused to Deep Strike his Obliterators and Warp Talons because he insisted they wouldn't be able to do anything. So I shook hands with him and the game was done. Just like that. It was my victory, but it left quite the sour taste in my mouth. I don't know. I'm not a power gamer. Hell, this list was something I cobbled together to make up for the removal of my Shadowsword. It's the first time I used it and I wasn't expecting anything. I didn't even expect to steal the Initiative!
Yeah, my opponent was swearing, "just one fucking dice roll screwed me." And he was livid, furious and yeah. When he left his dice on the table and I helped him collect and return them to him, he snapped at me, "don't touch my stuff." And then spent the rest of the night sulking or something. I didn't dare to do anything else, so I hung out with the kids and watched them play a Space Wolves versus Orks game for the rest of the night.
Uh...I'm not sure how to react or what I should do after a game like this. I won't deny it was satisfying to steal the Initiative and kill half his army in just one turn after being told that he would wreck my tanks. And let's be honest, I'm sure he would have wrecked my tanks if he Deep Struck his Obliterators, and his 2 Warp Talons theoretically would have killed at least 2 infantry units. Sure, the rest of my guys would probably destroy him the next turn (yay to plasma!), but still...I don't know. I really don't know.
What do you guys suggest I do?