Basically battlezones are for you to add a new layer of depth to your narrative play or missions. You can pretend that something is happening. For example, Fire and Fury, where the naval armadas clash with each other, raining down debris on the world below where the Imperial Guard fights to hold back the endless hordes of traitors or xenos. Both sides suffer casualties from falling debris, or orbital bombardment. Or you can turn it into a toxic wasteland where your units take wounds when traveling through some pit. Or a deathworld jungle. It's all up to you.

Different battlezones will have specific special rules. Let's see an example.

In addition to Fire and Fury, we also have Night Fight and Psychic Maelstrom.
Keep in mind that you can use these battlezones for any mission, even if they are geared for narrative play. Spice things up! For the Emperor!
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