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Retrospective: Imperial Knights
Today, we're going to a Retrospective on...Imperial Knights! I mean, this is primarily an Imperial Knight blog, so obviously if I'm ...
Saturday, October 29, 2022
Redaxe, The Edgelords and Weeb Knights
Painted Numerologist Cabal and Warmaster Titan
Friday, October 28, 2022
Liber Imperium content page
Seems like someone posted the Liber Imperium content page on Reddit - in the other words, leaks. Yay. Most people are interested in the Sisters of Silence expanded roster with loads of new units. I'm not a Sisters of Silence player, so I'm not that interested in that. Instead, I'm more interested in Solar Auxilia.
Interestingly enough, it seems that Veletaris Storm Section has been moved to Elites as Veletaris Tercio, and we have Auxilia Armored Tercio now. I think, depending on the Cohort Doctrines (or maybe Solar Auxilia Tercios?), you can take specific Tercios as Troops. So if you want to take an armored Cohort Doctrine, the Armored Tercio becomes Troop choices, and maybe Veletaris Tercio becomes Troop choices if you take a more elite Cohort Doctrine. I don't know. The Armored Tercio interests me greatly - I believe we'll get Leman Russ tanks and maybe Carnodon tanks in it. The Carnodon is not listed at all, even though the Aurox is. I'm not saying the Carnodon will be in the book for sure, but if it is, it probably is in the Armored Tercio. And I don't know if Leman Russ tanks get sponson options. I hope they do. I suspect that you can upgrade one of your tanks into a Tank Commander similar to the Armored Spearhead Rite of War if you choose a particular Armored Cohort Doctrine, but right now, everything is up in the air.
There is a reason to hope the Armored Tercio has both Leman Russ and Carnodon tanks. I mean, the Solar Auxilia Infantry Tercio, for example, should have the lasrifle sections and the flamer sections (who are support squads). So there's no reason to think they will only have a single unit in it. The only question is whether they will have sponson options for Leman Russ tanks, or if Carnodon tanks are an option there. I hope they are.
Another thing that dismayed me is the lack of super-heavy tanks. We have a Stormhammer...and that's it? No Baneblades? No Stormblade? What am I supposed to do with my Stormblade now? Well, I should calm down. Most likely, they'll be in a PDF document like Legacies, but that's disappointing. Most likely, they will get nerfed heavily, be overcosted, and just suck in general. That doesn't bode well for my armored Solar Auxilia army. It'll suck if I have to bring the Legion Stormblade using the Age of Darkness Legacies PDF because it's simply overcosted and not as good. But I doubt the Solar Auxilia has better options, ugh.
Anyway, we'll see. Let's hope for the best and pray to the Emperor. Till then!
Wednesday, October 26, 2022
Zone Mortalis
To be honest, I didn't get a Zone Mortalis game today, but I watched two of my friends play it, and it was fun! I even have a few pictures here.
A World Eaters detachment was assaulting a fortress manned by the Iron Warriors, probably because Horus ordered the World Eaters to drag part of a retreating company of Iron Warriors back to Terra to continue the siege when Perturabo decided to up and leave during the events of Mortis. At least that's the narrative. The World Eaters had 3 Contemptor Dreadnoughts in a single talon, a Praetor in Cataphractii armor, Red Butchers and 2 15-men Despoiler squads. The Iron Warriors had a Warsmith, 2 15-man Despoiler squads, an Apocethary, Siege Tyrant Terminators and Cataphractii Terminators (can't remember if they are supposed to be Dominators or something), as well as 3 Contemptor Dreadnoughts in a single talon.
This being our first Zone Mortalis game in the new edition, we made quite a few mistakes - I think we had way more than four doors, for example, and the Defender (Iron Warriors) controlled all the doors while the Attacker (World Eaters) were forced to break them down because they were locked even though the mission (Force the Breach) said nothing about that. Oh, well.
Notable moments - the World Eater Contemptor Dreadnoughts piled in and tried to smash the Siege Tyrant Terminators, who tanked the hits, but in the end, all the Contemptor Dreadnoughts either destroyed each other in combat, or were smashed apart by krak grenades. That was brutal.
The Dreadnoughts failed to kill the Iron Warrior Despoilers, though one of the Iron Warrior Dreadnoughts blew up and killed the World Eaters Praetor, Instant Death-ing him because it was Strength 8. Ouch. The World Eaters did get one objective, but the Iron Warriors had two in the end, and with Slay the Warlord (and Attrition), they won the game 5-2. Oh, well.
The Reactions for Zone Mortalis also made things more interesting. So we have Suppress for the movement phase where the reacting unit makes snap-shots. We have Displace for the shooting phase where they move up a number of inches up to their Initiative, if I remember correctly, and Brace for the assault phase where you do a morale check. If you fail it, you move 1D6" away, but if you pass it, you automatically pass all morale checks for sweeping advances or losing a combat. That allowed the Iron Warriors to use Displace to retreat his Terminators or Contemptor Dreadnoughts out of line of sight to avoid getting shot by the World Eaters Dreadnoughts.
There was also an instant where the World Eaters attacked the Warsmith and his Despoiler squad, as well as the Apocethary, but the Praetor managed to tank a load of chainaxe hits and even caused the poor Despoiler squad to run away (though they did avoid getting sweeping advanced). But they were locked in combat for quite a while, and the World Eaters managed to kill all but one guy in the Despoiler squad!
That said, the Iron Warriors still had the Warsmith, Apocethary, that single Despoiler, another 10 Despoilers and the Cataphractii Terminators (Dominators?) by the end of the game. On the other hand, the World Eaters only had 2 Despoiler squads, one of which was falling back. Yikes.
Well, that was brutal. Glad to see a Zone Mortalis game being played!
Tuesday, October 25, 2022
Painted Phalanx Warders
Monday, October 24, 2022
The Rogal Dorn Tank
I'm not sure I like the idea of a pintle-mounted heavy stubber or bolter, though. Imagine swinging it around to shoot and accidentally hitting your commander or fellow tanker in the cupolas with the barrel - or worse, a hail of mass reactive rounds. Ouch. That's pretty dangerous, and I think firing right next to the commander is gonna make him deaf. The other options are cool too.
Saturday, October 22, 2022
More Horus Heresy House Yato
"Wait, did we just travel 10,000 years back into the past?" Tanaka asked, looking around. At least he was in his Questoris Knight suit this time, making full use of an Errant-pattern with thermal cannon and a Stormspear rocket. Even better, he was the Seneschal this time, which meant he was the big boss.
The +1 bonus to his Ballistic Skill and Weapon Skill was the cherry on the cake. God-Emperor, I love the Horus Heresy.
"Daimyo Tanaka, what are you doing?" One of his subordinate Bushi, Sato, asked as he steered his Armiger Warglaive forward. "We've been tasked by Lord Dorn to take to task a traitor detachment of Ultramarines."
"What? Ultramarines? Traitors? There must be some mistake."
"No, not really," Watanabe said gravely, his Cerastus Knight Lancer loping forward. The Tsurugi was gleaming under the bright rays of the sun, the rarely seen pattern a common sight during the Age of Darkness. Tanaka couldn't believe he was able to witness such a venerable suit. To think they had entire armies of Cerastus Knights ten thousand years ago.
How much had been lost over the ten millennia that had flown past since Horus Lupercal's betrayal?
"The Ultramarines Praetor, a bloke by the name of Mariaden Suh, has decided that he wanted to rule a sector like Ultramar, and so his company rebelled against Lord Guilliman and took up authority here."
"Well, we can't let that happen, can we?"
Tanaka couldn't help but feel pride when he saw four Armiger Warglaives escorting Kazan and Tsurugi. Not only that, but the Mechanicum had fielded their own exotic Knights too, with four Armiger Knight Moiraxes accompanying them with esoteric weaponry.
"Careful!" Watanabe warned as Tsurugi stalked through the demolished hab-blocks. "Legion Shadowsword ahead!"
Before Tanaka could bring his attention to the super-heavy tank, he found his front armor riddled by high velocity rounds from a heavy support squad. Ten Ultramarines, bearing autocannons, were firing on his position and overwhelming his ion shield through sheer volume of shots.
"Oh, f off already!" He yelled and Returned Fire, his Reaction taking out a chunk of the heavy support squad. They immediately took cover, ducking under dusty ceilings, but over half of them vanished in the superheated blast from the thermal cannon. Tanaka blinked in surprise. "Huh, no more rolling 2D3. We're back to using blast templates now. This feels...refreshing, actually."
"What are you talking about?!" Sato yelled. "Pay attention to the front!"
"Yikes!" Tanaka rotated his ion shields to withstand a barrage of missiles from the Arcus, as well as sundering ruby beams from the Shadowsword's sponson lascannons. He steeled himself for the deadly shot from the volcano cannnon...but it never came.
Instead, the Shadowsword chose to fire its volcano cannon at the four Armiger Warglaive escorts.
Thankfully, the Knights of House Yato were Eternal Warriors. A couple of the Warglaives rocked, their ionic deflectors overwhelmed by the sheer fury of the violent blast. A third Warglaive stood strong, its ionic deflector...well, deflecting the shot by the most miraculous of chances.
"Good thing we no longer have D6 plus 6 wounds or hull points with no saves of any kind allowed," Tanaka murmured, shuddering at the memory of the previous edition where Destroyer or Strength D weapons were pretty much cheese.
The Contemptor Dreadnoughts advanced, along with a tactical squad and a group of Fulmentarus Terminator squad and Invictarus Suzerain squad accompanying them. The Mechanicum dentured Armiger Knight Moiraxes opened fire, their haywire grav pulsars wreaking havoc on the Contemptor Dreadnoughts' systems and frying them. Both Dreadnoughts dropped, convulsing as their normally impenetrable hulls cracked and were crushed by gravity.
The Terminators continued to fire their hellfire plasma missiles, destroying an Armiger Knight Moirax with lightning locks, but the other decimated the tactical squad with rending blasts of electricity. Unfortunately, the resulting explosion killed a Tech-priest Auxilia who was trying to repair the damaged Knight Moirax, and also wiped out 3 of his accompanying servo-automata. The Archmagos Macrotek, on the other hand, survived without any problems, his specially designed weapon proof against such attacks.
On the other side of the battlefield, Watanabe charged the Shadowsword, his shock lance smashing a hole in its front, shocking the crew. However, the venerable super-heavy tank held strong, its resilient superstructure resisting the deadly strikes and the crew firing in retaliation. Tsurugi raised its ion gauntlet shield, tanking the blasts, but he was unable to finish off the wounded machine.
Tanaka had worries of his own, however. As he and his accompanying entourage of Armiger Warglaives charged forward, the Arcus and surviving autocannon-bearing fired upon Kazan, determined to bring down the big Knight. Kazan staggered from the onslaught, almost on his last legs, but Tanaka was able to rotate his ion shields in time to tank a full blast from the Shadowsword's volcano cannon, the super-heavy tank's turret traversing to fire at him even as the sponson lascannons spat angrily pointblank into Tsurugi. Watanabe deftly deflevted the majority of the shots, but his attempts to destroy the tank were thwarted as his shock lance found no purchase through layers of adamantium.
"The Shadowsword is proving to be a tough nut to crack!" He complained.
"Quit whining and just keep it busy for now!" Tanaka snapped. Fortunately, the Armiger Warglaives had blown up the reversing Arcuses with their meltaguns and thermal spears, and more of the superheated rays lanced out at the Fulmentarus Terminators, laying waste to at least half their number. The remainig Armiger Knight Moirax with lightning locks fired and killed off a bunch of tactical marines, forcing the lone survivor into retreat. Disobeying his furious Praetor, the coward ran off the battlefield.
"Hey!" The Praetor bellowed, and then turned just in time to see his Fulmentarus Terminators charged by one of the Armiger Warglaives. His Invictarus Suzerain bodyguards were getting pasted by another blast from the thermal cannon before Tanaka had enough and charged the autocannon squad. He finally scythed one of them down before stomping on the Masters of Signal who was accompanying them and pulping him into bloody paste.
"Phew..." He breathed a sigh of relief as he checked the condition of Kazan. The Knight suit was literally on its last legs, its integrity on the verge of blowing up. Just another lucky shot and he would die.
Not to be denied victory, the Praetor and his sole surviving Invictarus Sizerain charged another Armiger Warglaive, even as the other one was locked in combat with the Fulmentarus Terminators. The poor bodyguard was cleaved in half by the reaper chain-cleaver, but the Praetor deflected the next few attacks with his refractor shield.
Realizing that he had no anti-tank weapons yet, save for the Shadowsword that was being locked in combat with Tsurugi, and only a tactical squad remained...about to be stomped to oblivion by Tanaka, the Praetor threw his power sword down and raised his arms in surrender.
"Fine! We'll rejoin the Imperium! Don't kill us!"
Tanaka blinked in disbelief and glanced at the others, who shrugged. Watanabe, piloting the other Lord of War, deferred to him, for he was just a Dolorous and not a Seneschal. As the Warlord of this particular Knight Lance/Banner, the choice was for Tanaka to make.
"All right." Tanaka considered, eying the Shadowsword. The super-heavy tank would be a valuable asset, as would the surviving Fulmentarus Terminators. "We accept your surrender. But you'll have to prove your loyalty to the Imperium."
"How?" The Praetor demanded. Tanaka shrugged.
"Um...by a penitent crusade against the Warmaster's forces, I suppose?"
"...I guess we have no choice."
With no other options, save death, the Praetor raised his arms and called for his private army to lay down their weapons and rejoin the Imperium.
Watching them, Tanaka felt his chest swell with pride. Taking a deep breath, he punched the air inside his Throne Mechanicum.
Oh, God-Emperor of Mankind. I love the Age of Darkness!
Contagion Detected

Order of Ruin Numerologist Cabal and Phalanx Warders
I'm exhausted, so I'll keep this short, but I've almost assembled my Order of Ruin Numerologist Cabal and Phalanx Warders. I'm still missing a pair of legs for one of the Life Wards for my Numerologist Cabal, but hopefully the seller I ordered the bits from will send me the missing legs soon. He usually replies very quickly, so phew. But yeah, here's my Order of Ruin Numerologist Cabal - the Techmarine or Technomancer Numerologist fashioned from MKIII Techmarine, the Achean pattern helms, and the shoulder pads. The Life Wards themselves are fashioned mostly from MKIII armor, but I used spare bits from the MKVI set to make the volkite caliver guy. Yeah, I want a life ward with volkite caliver. I love volkite weaponry, so I'll be adding more volkite and plasma (I love plasma as well) to my forces.
I also assembled my Phalanx Warders. With 20 of them, I can run my Stone Gauntlet Rite of War as a primary detachment, so yay. With my Cataphactii Terminators equipped with Vigil pattern storm shields and thunder hammers, a Spartan Land Raider, a couple of Contemptor Dreadnoughts and a Praetor in Terminator (Tartaros, it seems), I essentially have what I call the Shield Company. Heh. Because almost everyone is equipped with shields.
I'll probably add Rhinos and maybe a Tartaros Terminator command squad, and yay. I'm tempted to add Breachers, but I hate dealing with resin. Ugh. We'll see. Sigh. Anyway, till then!
Saturday, October 15, 2022
House Yato vs Goffs
Wednesday, October 12, 2022
Horus Heresy Match
It has been a while since Renegade, and I finally had the chance to play Horus Heresy again! A group of us is attempting to make it a regular thing, so we're having weekly sessions, mostly in Dreamers Vault at Hiawatha Avenue (Minneapolis). So we had 4 guys show up today, including me, but unfortunately, one of them wasn't playing. Fortunately, I did get a game against White Scars.
Still, here's what they have! White Scars, Blood Angels and Iron Hands! Cool!
And then there's my Thousand Sons. So we had a 2,500 point game, though I only had 2,470 points worth of a Thousand Sons army. I had a game against White Scars, who had 2,655 points - almost 200 more points than me. That's totally fine, I didn't expect to win and was playing for fun. Besides, I could use it as an excuse when I inevitably lost (heh).
Chris - the White Scars player - used the Chogorian Brotherhood Rite of War. So he had a list like this:
Praetor on bike
Stormseer on jetbike
2 huge squads of Outriders
1 massive squad of Sky Hunters
Tactical squad in Rhino
Support Tactical squad with 10 plasma guns
Xiphon Interceptor
Storm Eagle
10 Tartaros Terminators
Apocethary on bike
I think that's...it? In contrast, I was using the Achaean Configuration Rite of War for my Thousand Sons, so my list was something like this:
Praetor in Cataphractii Terminator with Biomancy
Previan with Biomancy
Librarian with Biomancy
2 Osiron Dreadnoughts
5 Cataphractii Terminators with volkite chargers and aetherfire blaster
2 tactical squads with asphyx bolters, chain bayonets, aetherfire pistol and achean force sword
2 tactical support squads with 10 aetherfire blasters each
2x2 Castellax Achea-automata with aetherfire cannons
Yeah, I think that's about it. The mission was Tide of Carnage, so it was about grabbing deployment zones or something. Chris got first turn, and I didn't bother to seize the initiative because most of his guys were in deep strike or outflank, so we basically skipped our first turns, ha ha.
Then the White Scars came in, took out almost an entire plasma tactical squad, wiped out one tactical squad in combat (with the bikers) and destroyed two Castellax-Achea automata and the Previan. Ouch. He then killed all my Terminators and Praetor with his Sky Hunters, while his Storm Eagle took potshots at my Dreadnoughts, but didn't do much other than a couple of wounds. I did manage to decimate most of his plasma tactical squad in return and even wrecked his Storm Eagle. Phew! He continued to chip away at me, wiping out my plasma tactical squad eventually while putting more wounds on my Dreadnoughts. In return, I destroyed a Rhino, all of his Terminators and an Outrider squad.
We continued to trade blows, and I lost one of my Osiron Dreadnoughts to the Sky Hunters, but managed to kill the Stormseer and wipe out an outrider squad. The plasma tactical squad killed themselves on gets hot! rolls while trying to kill my remaining Osiron Dreadnought, who then proceeded to pummel the second Outrider squad, killing the enemy Praetor in combat. His Sky Hunter squad flew up to kill one of my remaining Castellax-Achea automata, leaving just one, while earlier he had wiped out my second tactical squad with the Outrider squad (who then fell back and got locked in combat with my Osiron Dreadnought). His tactical squad traded blows with my plasma tactical squad, who lost combat, leaving my Librarian to fail his Leadership test twice in a row and ran off the table. Wow.
In the end, he had a Xiphon, the remains of a Tactical squad and a couple of Outriders and almost a full Sky Hunter squad in my deployment zone, giving him a lot of points, while I only had a single Castellax-Achea automata, my Techmarine and the Osiron Dreadnought (with 1 wound remaining). Ouch, that was a pretty crushing defeat. Oh, well.
At least I had a game, and it was fun! That's all that matters! (also, insert obligatory "He had almost 200 points more than I did!" excuse here)
Looking forward to another game maybe next week! Maybe I'll get a chance to test out the new Knight rules this time.