And their abilities.

Seems like the followers of the Dark Prince of Excess is better at casting psychic spells than the disciples of the God of Change and Sorcery now. To be fair, I think the Lord of Change and Kairos Fateweaver have psychic bonuses (which goes down if they are wounded), but none of our other Tzeentch Daemons have such cool stuff. Changeling just confers a 6+++ Feel No Pain (as opposed to a 2+++ Feel No Pain against mortal wounds - that's more Tzeentch than Slaanesh, isn't it?), and Blue Scribes are more fun than useful. Well, I guess you can count them as having a +1 to Deny the Witch, the potential to erase psychic spells, and a guaranteed psychic spell, so that's cool. But I can't help feeling that we should have something similar for Tzeentch. Oh well.
Apparently because I triggered a lot of rage and bashing from the Thousand Sons Facebook page, I guess I need to clarify that I'm exaggerating. Obviously I don't think this is imbalanced and I'm not whining about Slaanesh being overpowered. We'll still dominate the psychic phase (even if they field 3 of these dudes, they can only Deny the Witch 3 times)...mostly. I hope. In any case, I'm happy to play against Slaanesh Daemons. I'm just hoping the followers of the god of magic gets similar casting and deny the witch bonuses, that's all. And can you imagine how awesome it would be if All is Dust allows us to shrug off mortal wounds on a 2+? It would mitigate Perils on our Aspiring Sorcerers and not bomb the entire unit!
In any case, you can check out Warhammer Community for more details. I'm surprised Natfka has not posted on this yet on his Faeit212 blog, but he will. Eventually. For now, you can make do with this link and check out the new Keeper of Secret, Whoever Hellbane and other Slaanesh Daemons stuff. Not my cup of tea since my allegiance is to the Emperor first and Tzeentch second, and Thousand Sons over Emperor's Children. I didn't like Fulgrim, honestly, and was mindblown when I read A Thousand Sons by Graham McNeill - those two stories were like night and day. You can tell I love the Thousand Sons and their lore a lot more.
Apparently because I triggered a lot of rage and bashing from the Thousand Sons Facebook page, I guess I need to clarify that I'm exaggerating. Obviously I don't think this is imbalanced and I'm not whining about Slaanesh being overpowered. We'll still dominate the psychic phase (even if they field 3 of these dudes, they can only Deny the Witch 3 times)...mostly. I hope. In any case, I'm happy to play against Slaanesh Daemons. I'm just hoping the followers of the god of magic gets similar casting and deny the witch bonuses, that's all. And can you imagine how awesome it would be if All is Dust allows us to shrug off mortal wounds on a 2+? It would mitigate Perils on our Aspiring Sorcerers and not bomb the entire unit!
In any case, you can check out Warhammer Community for more details. I'm surprised Natfka has not posted on this yet on his Faeit212 blog, but he will. Eventually. For now, you can make do with this link and check out the new Keeper of Secret, Whoever Hellbane and other Slaanesh Daemons stuff. Not my cup of tea since my allegiance is to the Emperor first and Tzeentch second, and Thousand Sons over Emperor's Children. I didn't like Fulgrim, honestly, and was mindblown when I read A Thousand Sons by Graham McNeill - those two stories were like night and day. You can tell I love the Thousand Sons and their lore a lot more.
Oh, and I still can't find any Adeptus Titanicus news, so I guess that's all the information we're getting for Doom of Molech. Makes me a little sad. Apparently we might be getting Acastus Knights down the road, but I haven't heard anything about Dominus Knights, and still no news on the Stormspear rocket pod. On the other hand, the release of the Mori Quake cannon and macro gatling blaster bodes well and we can look forward to the carapace weapons such as Vulcan mega-bolter, warp missile support rack and paired gatling blasters. Well, I'll let you know when I get more news.
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