We already know that we can pre-order Doom of Molech this Saturday, but what do we have inside the book? Well, that's what Warhammer Community is going to tell us.

As we all already know, Molech is a Knight World. Yes, there are Titans, but there are lots of Knights A lot of them, in fact. I can't wait to see what these Households do, and what rules they have! I wonder if House Taranis will ever get their own rules, but we'll see. Maybe House Terryn and House Krast too, given how they were pretty involved in the Horus Heresy, and I remember House Krast's world was destroyed by Horus and the Traitor Legions.
As I said, I've read Vengeful Spirit, and I've to say, it's not one of the Graham McNeill books I like. I like his coverage of House Devine's fall, and the Imperial Army's struggle against the Sons of Horus and the Death Guard, as well as Paragon of Terra's last stand against the numerous Traitor Titan Legions, but in my humble opinion he spent way too much time on the Knights Errant led by Loken and the Space Marines dude. I honestly couldn't care less about their mission to infiltrate the Vengeful Spirit and leave a marker for Leman Russ. I'm more invested in Molech. This should be about Molech and the Knight Houses there, and it was a great chance to move the attention away from the Adeptus Astartes. We already have Horus and Traitor Legions there, we don't need the Knights Errant and stuff. Focus more on the actual Knights, damn it! And the Imperial Army regiments!

But while the novel was a little disappointing, I am looking forward to playing games with my Titans. This will be fun! I can't wait to see what I'll get for my Titans, and I hope I can build a balanced list of Knights and Titans. Not a fan of Warhounds, but I'll definitely at least get a Warlord Titan.
Speaking of Titans, we have rules for 4 new Titan Legions, so it's pretty cool. Once of them is Legio Fortidus, also known as the Dauntless.

Cool, right? Anyway, I can't wait to see what the other Legion Traits for the other Titan Legions are. Since I'm Loyalist, I probably shouldn't be looking at the Traitor ones, but...you know.
We also have two new Titan Maniples. It's a little sad, but the Dominus Battleforce Maniple that has 1 Warlord Titan, 2 Reaver Titans and 1 Questoris or Cerastus Knight Banner is not included in this book, so if you want to use that, you'll have to get the February issue of White Dwarf. Oh well. Warhammer Community mentions Fortis Battle Maniple, which allows Warlord and Reaver Titans to merge their void shields and ignore armor modifiers, which is of interest to me. I hope it allows me to take a Warlord Titan and 2 Reaver Titans, or just 1 Warlord Titan and 1 Reaver Titan, and I can fill out the rest of my points with Knights, Knights and more Knights. Yay!
The other one is the Ferrox Light Maniple, which I'm not interested in, but I'll paste the image here just for you guys.

And then we have the Knights. There's not much stuff on the Knights and how to field them as an army as of yet, other than what we already know. That we can field entire armies of Knights. I wonder if Knights can take a single Titan or two as allies. That will be cool too.

We have Characters for Knight Households, sort of the counterparts for Warlords, I guess? This being Molech, obviously the first Household to get showcased is House Devine.

And then you have narrative missions, but unless my opponent wants to play them, I guess I'll just read through the fluff and create my own fluff. Yay.
We also have new Stratagems too, if you're interested. Here you go!

I already have a pair of Cerastus Knight Lancers waiting to be built, and I'll be adding a Warlord Titan to my collection in the near future. We'll see! I can't wait for Doom of Molech, even if it's just for the fluff alone, because I'm a great fan of Knights! And I can't wait to start fleshing out my Legio Draconis, or the Black Dragons, supported by various Knight Houses - House Yato, House Uesugi and House Takeda of Draconis III, and a branch clan of House Yato, House Kanda, being entirely seconded to Legio Draconis! This will be great!
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