Not to mention, I also have a new Eversor Assassin, which I intend to try out with the Assassins codex. If I ever get a game. I haven't had a chance to field him yet, but I'm looking forward to fielding him soon. I hope. The new Assassin rules look exciting, and I can't wait to try them out. I'm considering procuring a Vindicare Assassin to make full use of the Operatives Stratagem, but we'll see. I don't want to spend too much money.
I also painted my Skitarii and Secutarii. Okay, they look pretty plain and bad, but I'm more interested in just slapping 3 colors on them and claiming that they're tabletop standard. I'll probably buy red paint and color their robes red in the future, because...they are Skitarii, and I don't really like the black robes on them. That's for my Knights, Titans and Guardsmen. So I'll make them look more conventiona as Skitarii. But I didn't have time today, so I could only paint them black and gold, and a bit of blue. Not much else to do, to be honest.

I can't wait to field my painted Secutarii Hoplites alongside my painted Cerastus Knight Lancer! They look so cool together! I know Knight Lancer isn't the most competitive choice (most people on Facebook mock me for bringing a Knight Lancer instead of the Knight Atrapos or whatever), but he looks the coolest and fits my shock and arc lances theme. Honestly, a Cerastus Knight Lancer with a bunch of Secutarii Hoplites running along his feet looks a lot cooler than a Cerastus Knight Atrapos.

Oh, and my friend offered to help me build my Cerastus Knight Lancers for Adeptus Titanicus! This is our first step to playing Adeptus Titanicus! YAY! I think. He helped me build one and most of the second one, but we ran out of time. Fortunately, there wasn't much for me to do except to stick the left arm, ion gauntlet shield, small shield and then the body to the hips. And now they're completed! I'll have to paint them eventually, but that's for another day. Next week I should get a bunch of Adeptus Titanicus models shipped over, and we can begin our games in earnest!

Unfortunately, my local gaming store does not have Doom of Molech, and I had to put in a special order. We'll wait for Games Workshop to ship Doom of Molech over. A pity, because I really wanted to see what the new rules for the new Legios and the Knights are. Well, we're just getting started with Adeptus Titanicus, so there's plenty of time yet! Nothing to worry about!
It will be interesting to read about the performance of the Carnodon tank, its design is captivating (even if the Forgeworld prices are scary).
ReplyDeleteContinue with this rhythm and have fun!
I tried it once against Grey Knights. Didn't do much, and got destroyed if I remember correctly. I should try it against hordes like Tyranids or Orks next time, but 8 shots from a tank isn't that impressive. Then again, it's a lot cheaper than a Leman Russ tank, so I can't complain!
DeleteI bought mine off ebay at second-hand prices, so I managed to save some money there.