This time, I brought my Adeptus Mechanicus Convocation, which meant a Skitarii Battalion and 3 Knight Crusaders, so something like this:
Draconis IV Skitarii Battalion (using Graia rules)
Tech-priest Dominus with volklite blaster and phosphor serpenta
Tech-priest Enginseer
2x5 Skitarii Rangers with arc pistol, arc maul, 2 arc rifles and omnispex
5 Skitarii Rangers with 2 transuranic arquebuses and omnispex
2 Skorpius Disintegrator with Belloros cannon
House Yato Imperial Knight Super-heavy Battalion (using House Taranis rules)
Knight Crusader with rapid-fire battle cannon and Stormspear rocket pod (Warlord, Endless Fury and Cunning Commander)
Knight Crusader with rapid-fire battle cannon
Knight Crusader with thermal cannon and Stormspear rocket pod (Fury of Mars and Ion Bulwark)
My opponent brought Death Skulls and Evil Sunz, I believe. 2 Battalions.
Death Skulls Battalion
3 Big Mek with shokk attack gun (one of them is the Warlord that allows him to re-roll wound rolls of ones against vehicles)
3 squads of Gretchin (20 in one squad, 10 in two squads)
2x3 Megatrakk Scrapjets
1x6 Mek Gunz
Evil Sunz Battalion
Big Mek in Mega-armor
Meganobz (7-8?)
3x10 Gretchin
Since it was ITC, we rolled and had Priority Parcel or Courier or something...the one where you have 5 Objectives, and designate one objective that is not the center as your priority objective, and if your opponent controls it, he gets a bonus point. My opponent's secondary objectives were Big Game Hunter, Old School and Recon. My secondary objectives were also Big Game Hunter and Old School, but I chose Engineers instead of Recon. We rolled off, he got attacker and I was defender. As you know, the new ITC rules mean that I can't seize the Initiative, so I had to suck it and go second (actually, I don't mind going second). It's good for me because my army is more defensive.
Turn 1
My opponent moved all his Megatrakk scrapjets forward, as well as several of his Gretchin, and his Morkanaut. He attempted to cast Da Jump with his Weirdboy, but because my Skitarii were using Graia rules, I went and used the Steel Mind, Steel Logic Stratagem and denied his psychic power. Yeah...I don't know how the frak I did that, but my Skitarii pulled it off. HA HA HA HA HA HA HA! Anyway, the combined shooting from the Megatrakk Scrapjets, the Mek Gunz and the Big Meks' shokk attack guns spread across my Knights and one of my Skorpius Disintegrator tanks, so my Knight Crusader with thermal cannon had 16 wounds left, my Warlord had 8 wounds left and was barely hanging in there, and my last Knight Crusader had 15 wounds left. The Skorpius Disintegrator had 4 wounds left. But my opponent failed to kill any of my units, and his Meganobz were stuck in their deployment zone because I denied his Da Jump psychic power with my Steel Mind and Steel Logic. All hail Skitarii! In any event, my opponent immediately got all 4 points for Big Game Hunter because he did a total of 41 wounds to my vehicles. Ouch.
Then it came to my turn, and I fought back while having my Knights move up. Despite my Tech-priest Enginseer repairing the Skorpius Dunerider, I only managed to get it back up to 5 wounds. Ugh. In a ferocious round of shooting and melee (and me popping the Machine Spirit Resurgent Stratagem off on my wounded Knight Crusader), I managed to destroy 4 Megatrakk Scrapjets, the Morakanaut, and 2 Mek Gunz, as well as stomped an entire squad of 20 Gretchin to death. Cool! Thanks to my Warlord, who stayed within 3" of the center objective, I held more Objectives than my opponent, and I did manage to get all 4 points for Big Game Hunter too, given how I essentially took out over 50 wounds from his vehicles (17 from his Morkanaut, 36 from his Megatrakk Scrapjets), and he controlled like 2 Objectives to my 3. Since I also killed more (he didn't kill anything) and took First Strike from Old School, it meant I took a huge lead, getting 9 points to his 5.
Turn 2
My opponent moved his Meganobz toward my Knight Crusader who wasn't my Warlord, while his remaining twoMegatrakk Scrapjets powered forward, toward my damaged Skorpius Disintegrator. His Weirdboy cast Smite on my Warlord, taking another couple of wounds off him. Ouch. His remaining Mek Gunz and Big Meks then fired upon my Knight Crusader Warlord...and I think his Warlord fired upon my thermal cannon Knight Crusader, and...didn't do anything. Basically he rolled 3s and 2s for every Shokk Attack gun whenever he tried to determine its Strength. And that was even after he used the Stratagem for his Warlord to shoot twice. Both times he rolled a 3 or a 2 for its Strength, even though it was 2D6. What are the odds? Well...Orks. ("Stinkin' humie!") For those of you who don't know, basically you determine the Strength of the Shokk Attack gun by rolling 2D6. And yeah, he rolled 3s and 2s, which meant he was only wounding my Toughness 8 Knights on 6s. That was terrible rolling on his part. Guess all the good shooting happened on the first turn. Anyway, he failed to kill my Warlord, who was promptly left with one wound after all was said and done. On the other side of the table, his Meganobz charged my non-Warlord Knight Crusader, while the Gretchin and Big Mek in mega armor charged my Warlord Knight Crusader, and the megatrakk scrapjets charged my damaged Skorpius Disintegrator - they didn't even need to attack. They blew him up with the mortal wounds from their charge alone. Well, he didn't blow up, but he was turned to scrap, leaving my poor Tech-priest Enginseer quivering in fright by himself, suddenly feeling quite exposed (he couldn't Heroic Intervention because my opponent had his scrapjets pile in over 3" away...which meant he couldn't consolidate into him either...hah!). On the other side, my Knight Crusader failed his overwatch and promptly got crushed to death by a bunch of Meganboz. Well, I think I did 2 damage with one of my overwatch attacks, but still not enough to kill even one. Funnily enough, I rolled a 6 and he blew up, dishing out D6 mortal wounds. I rolled a one or two at first, and decided to Command Re-roll that, and had a 5 this time, which killed 2 Meganobz and left one on two wounds. Phew. Then I paid 2 Command Points to Interrupt and had my Warlord stomp the Big Mek in mega armor to death (he killed like 4 or 5 Gretchin in Overwatch) before he could attack. The Gretchin failed to wound him, and they collapsed and were wiped out because of morale after the combat phase ended.
That was 2 kills for my opponent, and he controlled 2 Objectives. He also got Recon, which brought him up to 8 points.
The combined shooting from my remaining Knight Crusaders (again, I used Machine Spirit Resurgent on the ailing Warlord with one wound left) and Skorpius Disintegrator, Tech-priest Dominus destroyed all but one Meganobz, wiped out an entire squad of Gretchin, decimated another squad to about 3 left, severely damaged another 2 Mek Gunz, wrecked another megatrakk scrapjet while leaving the other on just 3 wounds. My Skitarii snipers sniped the Weirdboy, killing him with their transuranic arquebuses. I had my Warlord Knight Crusader charge in and finish off the 2 Mek Gunz that I damaged, while my thermal Knight Crusader charged and stomped the final megatrakk scrapjet to death. At this point my opponent didn't have much left. His squad of Gretchin was left with just 1 guy after morale, which allowed him to keep the objective, but because my second Engineer squad of Skitarii ran up to capture the Objective, I controlled more objectives than he did (3 versus 2). I also killed more - like 5 or 6 against his 2, so that, along with Engineers, granted me 5 points, bringing me up to 14 against his 8.
Turn 3
Even though I wiped out most of his vehicles, my opponent still had decent shooting power. He still rolled pretty badly for his shokk attack guns...and even though my Warlord Knight had only one wound left, it took the combined shooting of his 2 remaining Mek Gunz, 2 Big Meks with shokk attack guns to finally destroy him...and then I spent 3 Command Points on Our Darkest Hour to bring my Warlord back to life, and a Command Re-roll to turn that damned 2 to a 4 (Command Point well spent) and he essentially had his Warlord kill my poor Warlord for the second time that round. At least that meant he wouldn't be shooting at my final Knight Crusader, who had been repaired back up to 14 wounds...for now. The sole surviving Meganobz charged my Skitarii Rangers Engineers and killed 2 of them in combat. My Tech-priest Dominus Heroically Intervened and did 2 damage to him, but it was my Skitarii Alpha who slew the Meganobz in combat, his arc maul taking off his last wound and making sure I held that Priority Objective uncontested. However, with him killing my Warlord, he had earned Slay the Warlord, which brought his points tally up to 11. 12, because of Recon (I think).
Then my turn came, and I finished off both Mek Gunz with my Knight Crusader, as well as slew the last surviving Gretchin on the Objective with my Skorpius Disintegrator, who also killed about 3 or 4 Gretchin that were camping on the final Objective. The Skitarii snipers took about 2 or 3 wounds off the enemy Warlord, but failed to kill him. Oh, well. There wasn't much left I could do, because Characters can't be targeted until I shot the other stuff off the board, and I had to shoot the other stuff first, so...the Big Meks lived. Fortunately, that meant I scored 2 points for Engineers, and I killed more and held more (again). That brought me up to 20 points against his 12.
Turn 4
By now our armies were looking really thin, and there wasn't much shooting to be done. The Big Meks fired their shokk attack guns, and finally my opponent rolled well. And I chose this time to fail all my saves. That meant my Knight Crusader went down and he died. All my Knights were dead and that was pretty much not much firepower left. Ouch.
My Skitarii Rangers moved forward since I would have gotten maximum Engineer points anyway, and my Skitarii snipers finally killed my opponent's Warlord, earning me Slay the Warlord. I failed to kill the Big Mek with the Skitarii Ranger's galvanic rifles and arc rifles, though, but my Skorpius Disintegrator killed what was left of his Gretchin (but couldn't shoot the Big Mekz because they were Characters and not the closest). Oh, well.
Again, I pulled ahead on points, getting 25 to his 14.
Turn 5
With just Big Mekz left, my opponent decided to go for it, charged right into my Skitarii Rangers and ripped them apart in combat. I did some damage through overwatch, but only the Skitarii alpha survived, and he did nothing in return in close combat. He ended up fleeing from morale, though. Whatever happened, I think my opponent got 15 points. I know he ended up with 16 eventually, so I probably missed an Objective or something, sorry.
With my Skitarii squad dead, my Skorpius Disintegrator and Tech-priest Dominus were free to open fire on the two remaining Big Mekz, and I actually rolled 2 6s for my Tech-priest Dominus, dealing 2 mortal wounds and killing him outright even without my snipers intervening. My snipers then wounded the last Big Mekz, only for the Skorpius Disintegrator to finish him off. And so...I effectively tabled my opponent. He had no forces left, no units left on the table, nothing. That gave me another 4 points to bring me up to 29 against his 16.
Turn 6
I know this sounded stupid as hell, but apparently ITC rules require you to continue playing out the game even though you tabled your opponent. Skorpius Disintegrator flew and advanced up the table to grab my opponent's priority objective to get me a bonus point. Since I had already achieved all of my secondary objectives (couldn't get Linebreaker or Last Strike for Old School, though), and there was nothing to kill, I got 3 points from capturing Objectives. That brought me up to 32 against his 16.
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House Yato and Draconian Skitarii emerge victorious over the Orks and their latest Waaagh! |
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