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Ave Omnissiah!

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My blog is primarily my own personal fluff in the Warhammer 40,000 universe regarding the Draconis system such as the Knight House Yato in Ryusei, their Household Militia, the Draconian Defenders, and the Forge World of Draconis IV with its Adeptus Mechanicus priesthood, Cybernetica cohorts and Skitarii legions, and the Titan Legion, Legio Draconis, known as the Dark Dragons.

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Retrospective: Imperial Knights

Today, we're going to a Retrospective on...Imperial Knights! I mean, this is primarily an Imperial Knight blog, so obviously if I'm ...

Monday, August 26, 2024

Potential Disaster

It pains me to say this, but I think I might not get my Warhammer 40,000 stuff back to Singapore.

I'm not sure why, but apparently because of an "incomplete customs claim form" or something, they got sent back to my residential address in Minneapolis. I resent them today (2 boxes, but I think the 3rd one will show up tomorrow or Wednesday), but after this experience I'm worried they'll get sent back again. If that happens, I...will have to give up. I'm flying back to Singapore on Thursday morning, so I can't do anything about that. Probably just have my friends here pick it up from the post office and help themselves to them. F.

Now I'm not blaming USPS or whatever - it could be the mistake is entirely on my part for giving a stupid general description (I just wrote "toys" on the description, should have been more detailed). But there is a very real possibility that I won't be able to get my Warhammer 40,000 miniatures and books back (codex, supplements, Libers, etc.). When that happens, I'll just...give up. I'll have to rebuy the books, I guess, but it hurts.

The only thing I'll probably get back for sure are my Knights, which are stored in a Battlefoam checked in luggage, along with 10th edition Thousand Sons. So that's a silver lining at least. I pray to the God-Emperor the other packages get through customs, or...yeah. That's it for me. Sigh.

I don't know what to say. It hurts, but there's nothing I can do about this.

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