Watching the no Warhammer 40,000 preview live, all I can say is...YES! Praise the Emperor!
No, I love Warhammer 40,000 and I'm slightly disappointed that there was no Warhammer 40,000 content. However, the other games deserve their time in the sun as well, and I tuned in only guess it. Horus Heresy. I heard something big was coming and...yeah, we were not disappointed.
Need I say more? No, here's another picture.
We have two more Cerastus Knights joining the Lancer in plastic! The Castigator and Acheron make their appearance in plastic for the first time since receiving the resin treatment in Forge World years ago. Welcome, Cerastus Knights! WOOHOO! I might get them next year after I graduate, but we'll see. The Lancer, I'm definitely getting first.
Also, we have Epic...ahem, now it's apparently called Legion Imperialis. Whatever. Anyway, it's set in the Horus Heresy, but it's obviously Epic.
That's a cool looking box.
I don't know much about it, but I'll leave you to check it out on Warhammer Community. All I can say is that it uses a different rules system, and we can use our models from Adeptus Titanicus or Aeronautica Imperialis. So I'm using my Knights for Epic! Yes, I'm calling it Epic, not...Legion Imperialis. C'mon, haven't you learned your lesson from Astra Mili-what? You're in the Guard, son.
Even the rulebook looks cool. I can't wait to find out what's going on and how the game works! We'll find out from Warhammer Community over the next few weeks, and I'll do my best to keep track of any new updates! If I'm not too busy with work and writing, that is...