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Ave Omnissiah!

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My blog is primarily my own personal fluff in the Warhammer 40,000 universe regarding the Draconis system such as the Knight House Yato in Ryusei, their Household Militia, the Draconian Defenders, and the Forge World of Draconis IV with its Adeptus Mechanicus priesthood, Cybernetica cohorts and Skitarii legions, and the Titan Legion, Legio Draconis, known as the Dark Dragons.

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Retrospective: Imperial Knights

Today, we're going to a Retrospective on...Imperial Knights! I mean, this is primarily an Imperial Knight blog, so obviously if I'm ...

Thursday, March 24, 2022

My Knights will be ready...

Well, we had pretty awesome reveals at Adepticon.

So the Imperial Knight codex will be next up for release. Yay, I guess? I don't know how to feel about this. Yeah, I'm delighted, but I feel like the Chaos Space Marines should get their codex first. Of course, at the end of Adepticon, they said they will, and they will be getting 2 wounds too, but shouldn't they be ahead of the Knights?

Oh, well. Not going to complain. I'll look forward to my codex. I'm perfectly all right with Chaos Knights getting new models like that new psyker Abominant and Karnivores, and Imperial Knights not getting anything. With the price hikes and my need to buy a new computer (my current laptop is falling apart), I'm saving as much money as I can. I already have more than enough Knights, so I'm okay with this. I think.

Okay...maybe I might get the Knight Abominant...I dunno. Nah, I probably can't afford it, so never mind. It is what it is.

Oh, but that's not the biggest news. The biggest news is this:

Yes, my friends, it's happening! HORUS HERESY! YES

I don't really play Legionnes Astartes, but I play Knights. Hopefully my Knights will make a return in the Horus Heresy. They have a long and glorified history, so I'm looking forward to playing them both in 40,000 and the Heresy! I might be tempted to expand on my Imperial Fists because I have a bunch of Terminators, but we will see. Templar Brethren for the win! We'll see what happens with the new rules, and once again, my budget is limited, so...yeah. Anyway, we'll see.

That was an amazing Adepticon!

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