So armored Mech it is for me. I love tanks so blob was but a faint and highly unlikely possibility that I would have explored but will not. To me, tanks are the best and throwing a row of AV14 armored tanks into my enemy is just so much fun (though it'll hurt when my opponents throw melta-squads at the oncoming tanks...ouch).
A battery of Wyvern Suppression Tanks. Lots of Leman Russ tanks. I have 2 right now, and I'm planning on adding 2 more. Chimera APCs. Every mech list runs Veterans in Chimeras and I'm going to learn from them. So I've made my final decision, after discussing it at length with the dudes at Battle Bunker. Their best advice? Play something fun and something that fits me, not try and copy what other people do. I might be pleasantly surprised.
Anyway this is my new list. Actually, I should list what I have first.
2 Leman Russ Executioner tanks with plasma cannons, 1 with lascannon
2 Veteran squads with heavy flamer, flamers, plasma guns and maybe 1 meltagun.
2 Vendetta Gunships.
1 Doomhammer superheavy tank
1 Company Command Squad with plasma guns
Now, when I run Mech, I won't include the Doomhammer and Company Command Squad unless it's my Doomhammer super-heavy list, which I guess can also be considered Mech.
Anyway, I'm considering adding these to my collection.
2 Chimera APCs
2 Wyvern Suppression Tanks
1 Leman Russ Punisher tank
1 Leman Russ Demolisher tank
That completes my Mech list where I ditch the Doomhammer and Company Command Squad and instead add a Knight Crusader. The Knight Crusader actually is worth its points as a replacement for Leman Russ tanks. It's essentially 2 Leman Russ Battle Tanks and 1 Leman Russ Punisher tank for 10 points less. Add 40 points for the S8 AP3 3-shot carapace weapon and it will equal the 3 Leman Russ tanks with lascannon upgrades in points. Best, I'm getting all these shots plus the Avenger Gatling shots with RENDING and AP3 (though 8 less than the Punisher cannon) at BS4 at the same cost. Of course, I don't get the AV14 front & AV13 sides and I have 3 hull points less, but I have ion shield to make up for it, AV12 rear against AV10/11, Smash and good melee attacks to make up for it.
Plus I don't have to worry about weapon destroyed or immobilization.
So there you go. A possible list (after I buy what I want) is this:
Knight Commander Pask in Leman Russ Punisher tank with heavy bolters
2 Leman Russ Executioners with plasma cannons, one with lascannon
Veteran squad with heavy flamer and 2 flamers
Chimera APC
Veteran squad with meltagun
Chimera APC
2 Vendetta Gunships
2 Wyvern Suppression Tanks
Leman Russ Demolisher tank
Knight Cruasder with rapid-fire battle cannon and Stormspear rocket pod.
No space to add a 3rd Wyvern, which makes me sad. If I want, I can swap the Knight Crusader for a Stormsword but one of the Veteran squads lose their Chimera. Most likely the flamer squad, who's going to sit back and guard the Wyverns from drop pods and deep striking units. I hope.
Now, for the next news. As the title says, my Adeptus Mechanicus War Convocation is finally complete!
I have purchased and built my 3rd and last Onager Dunecrawler. He's the last one left, so with him done, my entire army is complete! I can finally have a game with my Adeptus Mechanicus War Convocation! YES!
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The last Onager Dunecrawler |
The next book review will be out on Wednesday or so. I'll make sure I get around to reviewing Mechanicum by Graham McNeill. I've finally finished the Starfist novel, so I can return to reading Warhammer 40K novels. I was going to start on the Adeptus Mechanicus series, Priest of Mars, because I'm so looking forward to reading it and it forms the basis for my story, but I got sidetracked by Flesh and Iron by Henry Zou. I'll read Flesh and Iron first instead. It's an Imperial Guard novel, part of the Bastion Wars series, but it'll be the only book in the series or omnibus that I will read. I'm not too enthusiastic about reading about an Inquisitor or the Blood Gorgons Chaos Space Marines and the 31st Riverine Imperial Guard appeals to me the most. So I'll read it first.
Another reason is that the Adeptus Mechanicus series is a trilogy so I'm planning to read all 3 in a row as opposed to breaking them up. That's why I should finish Flesh and Iron first before I start on them. As an aside, I'll focus on the Adeptus Mechanicus series completely regardless of whether my other novels arrive from online orders. I have ordered Baneblade by Guy Haley, The Emperor's Finest which is a Ciaphas Cain novel by Sandy Mitchell, and the Honor Imperialis, which is an omnibus comprising of three novels, Redemption Corps, Cadian Blood and Dead Men Walking. As I have already written a review on Dead Men Walking, I won't do it again.
I will be doing completely separate reviews for the Adeptus Mechanicus series and Honor Imperialis. That is, I will write a review for Priests of Mars, a 2nd review for Lords of Mars and a 3rd, separate one for Gods of Mars. Similarly, I'll write a review for Redemption Corps and another one for Cadian Blood. Before all these, I will immediately write a review for Flesh and Iron, but I promise, the review for Mechanicum will be out after the next two or three days.
For the Emperor!
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