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Ave Omnissiah!

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My blog is primarily my own personal fluff in the Warhammer 40,000 universe regarding the Draconis system such as the Knight House Yato in Ryusei, their Household Militia, the Draconian Defenders, and the Forge World of Draconis IV with its Adeptus Mechanicus priesthood, Cybernetica cohorts and Skitarii legions, and the Titan Legion, Legio Draconis, known as the Dark Dragons.

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Retrospective: Imperial Knights

Today, we're going to a Retrospective on...Imperial Knights! I mean, this is primarily an Imperial Knight blog, so obviously if I'm ...

Saturday, December 9, 2023

Painted Skitarii

 So I painted my Skitarii today. Well, I only painted a Skitarii Marshal, a Skitarii Ranger with plasma caliver and an Onager Dunecrawler, so yeah. The Tech-priest Enginseer and second Onager Dunecrawler were there just for reference. The Onager Dunecrawler with the Icarus array is the new one, I thought I should add a third for the heck of it, because I love the Dunecrawlers, and Icarus array is one of my favorite armaments. It came back from 7th edition when I used to deploy Icarus array Dunecrawlers to protect my Knights. Those were the days.

I also added runefang steel to 10 of my Dark Angels. Well, just the Inductii, the ones with the volkite chargers. I haven't finished painting them, but it is progress. Hopefully, I'll be able to add more details to them next week, maybe even paint up the Veterans and plasma tactical support squad.

I also procured the Adeptus Mechanicus codex. Used the code to unlock the datasheets for Adeptus Mechanicus, but I thought I would get the codex for the lore. It's what you would expect, with some details on the kind of infantry and vehicles that the Skitarii use, as well as Kastelan robots, but disappointingly, there's no new lore. We have sections dedicated to each of the major forge worlds, but it appears the lore hasn't been updated.

For example, Metalica is apparently still under attack by the Death Guard? C'mon, that campaign is over. Well, I guess they said Metalica is currently purging elements of the Death Guard in the Charadon Sector, but they didn't mention that their fabricator-general is dead, or any of the latest lore from the Book of Rust and stuff.

Ryza is still under attack from the two Orks Waaagh! I thought they already defeated the Orks with the Catachans' help, but I either remembered wrongly or they didn't update the lore. There's no timeline thing like they used to do in 7th or 8th edition (they stopped doing it in 9th edition, apparently), so no new lore. It's a little disappointing, as I said. Might as well just sell digital codes for us to unlock through the Warhammer app. Doesn't feel like the codex offers much, but...oh, well.

Anyway, that's all I have for today. Till then!

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