Yeah...must be based. I have painted models but I didn't base them. Apparently, when they say base, they mean you must paint the bases too. And no, spraying the bases Abaddon Black apparently do not count. I need to paint them.
So I had my young friend help me out. Since my very first Imperial Guard regiment is...well, I mean the very first Imperial Guard regiment I read about was the Valhallan Ice Warriors (and ironically, the first time I heard of the Imperial Guard was when Dawn of War: Winter Assault was released for sale, but I never played the Dawn of War games), I decided to base them snow. Good thing I don't have to base my tanks or I would be in trouble. Well, I wouldn't, but I wouldn't be able to participate in the narrative campaign. Anyway, I like snow. What? I live in Minneapolis. What's wrong with liking snow?
And models now have snow on their bases. I bought a bottle of Valhallan Snow, because of Valhallan Ice Warriors, and now my Draconians follow in their footsteps in being winter warriors! Well, we're not exactly Valhallan Ice Warriors, who are known more for their grim stoicism and throwing large waves of infantry at the enemy. We're an armored regiment who is closer to Cadians and are trained by the Sons (and Daughters) of Cadia, and known more for our spam of plasma weapons. Look at all those Leman Russ Executioner tanks and plasma guns!

Apparently I couldn't just dump the Valhallan Snow on the bases, so my friend advised me to buy Corax White otherwise the black is going to show under the thin Valhallan Snow. So I took his advice and...for some reason I ended up not needing the Valhallan Snow. Not that it mattered, the snow stuff makes it look...snowy. I hope. I also added tufts of wild grass because I thought it would make them more colorful and cooler. Otherwise just snow would be plain. Having several tufts of grass would brighten them up. Yay!

So now my Imperial Knights and Imperial Guard are all stomping around on snow! So are my Titans from Legio Draconis! YAY!