That's right, folks! Look at what I found in my mailbox when I returned home from college today!
My copy of The Razing of Prospero! I can't wait to read it! It has over 800 pages (846 pages, to be specific) of awesome Thousand Son stories! YAY! It has the two Horus Heresy Thousand Son novels, A Thousand Sons and Prospero Burns, by Graham McNeill and Dan Abnett respectively. Then we have 4 short stories, Howl of the Hearthworld by Aaron Dembski-Bowden, Rebirth by Chris Wraight, Hunter's Moon by Guy Haley and finally Thief of Revelations by Grama McNeill again! Awesome!
The subtitle of the book is probably Sorcerers and Executioners, with the Thousand Sons being the Sorcerers and the Space Wolves being the Executioners. Hmph. We're going to blow away those space puppies with our awesome magic! For Magnus! For the Emperor! Because the Thousand Sons remain loyal to the Emperor NO MATTER WHAT!
Ugh, I hate tragedies. Anyway, I'll read this before I start on the Ahriman collection, and I hope I can get a book review...soon. It won't be for another couple of months though, because I still have 3 Warstrider books left to read.
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