Just thought I should mention this, but while Imperial Knights (and Adeptus Custodes) receive a bunch of new models and had their army roster expanded, the Thousand Sons didn't. Imperial Knights get Armiger Warglaives, a new gigantic Knight (people are speculating it's the Knight Castellan), and what seems to be more new models that are completely new, whereas Thousand Sons get a bunch of Age of Sigmar imports such as the Tzaangor Shaman, Tzaangor Enlightened and Mutalith Vortex.
Hmm...while I love both factions, and I'm actually quite pleased with Thousand Sons even though we didn't get any new units, I dread reading the comments online, especially from "salty" (sorry, I have no idea what else to call them) Thousand Sons players about how other factions get new models and we don't.
What should we do?
About My Blog
Ave Omnissiah!
My blog is primarily my own personal fluff in the Warhammer 40,000 universe regarding the Draconis system such as the Knight House Yato in Ryusei, their Household Militia, the Draconian Defenders, and the Forge World of Draconis IV with its Adeptus Mechanicus priesthood, Cybernetica cohorts and Skitarii legions, and the Titan Legion, Legio Draconis, known as the Dark Dragons.
Featured Post
Retrospective: Imperial Knights
Today, we're going to a Retrospective on...Imperial Knights! I mean, this is primarily an Imperial Knight blog, so obviously if I'm ...
Tuesday, March 27, 2018
Wednesday, March 21, 2018
BREAKING NEWS! Major reveals!
Just minutes after I posted on plastic Sisters of Battle, I came across the latest Warhammer Community post!

You've got it. Imperial Knights are back, and by the Emperor, they'll be a great new faction that no longer comes out of one kit!
I wanted to post the video, Giant Freaking Robots, but...oh well. It's unlisted, so go watch it on Warhammer Community instead.
Anyway, here's the news for all Imperial Knights (like me!): We are getting a whole new line! Our army is being expanded! We are now a fully realized faction with a wider choice of units and army building options than ever! Not only are we getting the new Armiger Warglaives from the Forgebane set, we seem to have a Warlord Titan-styled gigantic Imperial Knight! I'm definitely buying that. As Warhammer Community rightly pointed out, BIGGER is BETTER!
I wonder what other stuff we have, maybe household retinues (Imperial Guard!), or Sacristans (in the form of Tech-priest Enginseers?)? Would be cool. We'll see!
Oh, and Imperial Knights codex will be the first one out after Drukhari (which is after Necrons). They will be followed by the Harlequins and then Deathwatch. But who cares about that? Well, poor Orks seem to be last on the line. Ouch. Anyway, back to Imperial Knights, we will be getting rules for Knightly Households (House Yato of Draconis III! WOOHOO!) and Freeblades, plus Stratagems! Nice!

Oh, and it's worth mentioning this again.
Plastic Sisters of Battle. They are coming. 2019. Sure, that sounds like a long wait (it's only March 2018, after all), but right up until the release, Warhammer Community will be bringing us snippets on of info and sharing images, bringing us constant updates on the Adepta Sororitas.
Believe in the Emperor and your faith will be rewarded.
Just minutes after I posted on plastic Sisters of Battle, I came across the latest Warhammer Community post!

You've got it. Imperial Knights are back, and by the Emperor, they'll be a great new faction that no longer comes out of one kit!
I wanted to post the video, Giant Freaking Robots, but...oh well. It's unlisted, so go watch it on Warhammer Community instead.
Anyway, here's the news for all Imperial Knights (like me!): We are getting a whole new line! Our army is being expanded! We are now a fully realized faction with a wider choice of units and army building options than ever! Not only are we getting the new Armiger Warglaives from the Forgebane set, we seem to have a Warlord Titan-styled gigantic Imperial Knight! I'm definitely buying that. As Warhammer Community rightly pointed out, BIGGER is BETTER!
I wonder what other stuff we have, maybe household retinues (Imperial Guard!), or Sacristans (in the form of Tech-priest Enginseers?)? Would be cool. We'll see!
Oh, and Imperial Knights codex will be the first one out after Drukhari (which is after Necrons). They will be followed by the Harlequins and then Deathwatch. But who cares about that? Well, poor Orks seem to be last on the line. Ouch. Anyway, back to Imperial Knights, we will be getting rules for Knightly Households (House Yato of Draconis III! WOOHOO!) and Freeblades, plus Stratagems! Nice!

Oh, and it's worth mentioning this again.
Plastic Sisters of Battle. They are coming. 2019. Sure, that sounds like a long wait (it's only March 2018, after all), but right up until the release, Warhammer Community will be bringing us snippets on of info and sharing images, bringing us constant updates on the Adepta Sororitas.
Believe in the Emperor and your faith will be rewarded.
Plastic Sisters of Battle!!!!!
HOLY TERRA!!!!! The clock has been reset!
Warhammer TV on Twitch has just announced live that there will be plastic Sisters of Battle! Plastic Adepta Sororitas! They will be bringing us updates on the Sisters as we near their release!
It is time to celebrate, loyal citizens of the Imperium!
Warhammer TV on Twitch has just announced live that there will be plastic Sisters of Battle! Plastic Adepta Sororitas! They will be bringing us updates on the Sisters as we near their release!
It is time to celebrate, loyal citizens of the Imperium!

Necrons in Mechanicus!
Warhammer Community has announced our enemies in the upcoming turn-based strategy game, Mechanicus! And guess what? In the spirit of Forgebane, it's...the Necrons!

Yup, you've got that right. The Adeptus Mechanicus has stunbled across Necrons while studying Blackstones in some forge world, Silva Tenebris. Uh, at least I assume it's a forge world. It's definitely a Necron tomb world, that's for sure.

Confirmed so far are Necron Warriors, Immortals, Flayed Ones and Canoptek Scarabs. Probably Destroyers, Annihilation Barges and Monoliths will be in store. I hope we get our own Sydonian Dragoons, Ironstrider Ballistarii, Onager Dunecrawlers and Kastelan Robots.

Oh, and we have a video too! For some reason it's unlisted in Youtube so I can't post it here, so check the original Warhammer Community post instead.
Basically we have Skitarii, servitors and servo-skulls. Not Kataphron battle-servitors, though, but I guess they might be among the new surprises. We'll see. For the Omnissiah!

Yup, you've got that right. The Adeptus Mechanicus has stunbled across Necrons while studying Blackstones in some forge world, Silva Tenebris. Uh, at least I assume it's a forge world. It's definitely a Necron tomb world, that's for sure.

Confirmed so far are Necron Warriors, Immortals, Flayed Ones and Canoptek Scarabs. Probably Destroyers, Annihilation Barges and Monoliths will be in store. I hope we get our own Sydonian Dragoons, Ironstrider Ballistarii, Onager Dunecrawlers and Kastelan Robots.

Oh, and we have a video too! For some reason it's unlisted in Youtube so I can't post it here, so check the original Warhammer Community post instead.
Basically we have Skitarii, servitors and servo-skulls. Not Kataphron battle-servitors, though, but I guess they might be among the new surprises. We'll see. For the Omnissiah!
Saturday, March 17, 2018
Pre-order Forgebane now!
Warhammer Community has put out an announcement, informing us that Forgebane is now available for pre-order!

It's always fascinating to see the Adeptus Mechanicus fighting against the ancient mechanical horrors that are the Necrons. Cyborgs and machines against skeletal machines, heh.

So what do you get in Forgebane? For the Necrons, you apparently get a Cryptek, 5 Immortals, 5 Lychguard and 3 Canoptek Wraiths, which is a good start for any Necron force.

And as for the Adeptus Mechanicus, you have a Tech-priest Dominus, 10 Skitarii Rangers/Vanguard and 2 Armiger Warglaives.

This makes great starter sets that essentially serve as great Start Collecting! kits for both factions. And there's even great lore that tells us about the Blackstone and what happens after the events of The Gathering Storm.
Oh, and the Armiger Warglaives are about 240 points per model (if you take the meltagun instead of heavy stubber), so keep that in mind when you build your list. In any case, you can pre-order Forgebane now!
Thursday, March 15, 2018
Blackstone 101
Warhammer Community has posted on the Blackstone lore today! As part of the Adeptus Mechanicus Legio Cybernetica force from the forge world Draconis IV and the Imperial Knights of House Yato from Draconis III, I'm invested in this new development! And you, the Draconian Guardsmen of Draconis III, will be roped into our efforts of seizing the blackstone from xenos scum's claws, because you're the vassal Imperial Guard regiments of the revered House Yato. As your regimental Commissar, I'll be briefing you guys briefly today on what to expect during your tour on our neighboring forge world.

The Blackstone stuff found all over these new forge worlds can be used to save the Imperium from the Great Rift! ...or doom them to oblivion forever. But first we have to wrench it out of the hands of the Necrons.

You can read the Warhammer Community article for this, but essentially they can be used to either nullify the warp...or amplify it. Your choice.

That arsehole Abaddon destroyed the Cadian pylons by ramming a Blackstone Fortress into it (f-er!), and also dooming the vaunted world of Cadia. Fortunately, the pylons in Cadia aren't the only Blackstone structures in the galaxy, and we're finding lots of them all over the forge worlds the Adeptus Mechanicus have been unearthing. And now we can use these Blackstone stuff to shut down the warp.

...a Blackstone Fortress? Go play Battlefleet Gothic: Armada. Stupid f-er went and stole the Blackstone Fortresses from the Imperium during the 12th Black Crusade, during the Gothic War. We kicked his ass and sent him fleeing back to the Eye of Terror while destroying a couple of them, but he still had 2 left.
Now 1 is destroyed after being used to ram Cadia, and the other was given to Huron Blackheart during the 13th Black Crusade.
In any case, Abaddon wants the Blackstone Fortresses for the other side of the coin - to amplify the warp rather than neutralize it.

Long story short, Necrons either created the Blackstone stuff or they stole it from the Old Ones. Who knows? Games Workshop is deliberately being vague here, and I doubt the Necrons will answer nicely if we ask them.

What we do know for sure is that these dastardedly skeletal xenos scum are waking up from tomb worlds all over the galaxy and then selfishly and arrogantly trying to lay claim to our Blackstone stuff, which by right belongs to us because we, the Imperium of Man, are the present masters of the Galaxy. They have no right to be entitled to what should be our birthright - domination possession of all things in the galaxy of MEN.

Do you really need to ask? Have you forgotten that I'm your regimental Commissar? charges plasma pistol

But since I'm a kind and understanding Commissar personally trained by the legendary Lord Commissar Ciaphas Cain himself, allow me to explain it to you in terms that even a simple guardsman can understand.
We cannot allow such powerful artifacts to fall into the hands of terrifying xenos scum. And we need the Blackstone stuff to shut down the Great Rift and nullify the warp, in order to save humanity from Chaos, Traitors, Heretics and Emperor knows what other horrors await us from the other side of the warp, such as REDACTED. Ahem, sorry, that's information privvy only to the Inquisition and the Commissariat. Excuse my slip and forget what I just said (or I'll have to execute you). Anyway, you shouldn't be questioning the Emperor's word. Just take it from me - we're going to need the blackstone stuff to shut down the warp and achieve galactic supremacy for our Imperium. What greater honor could possibly exist?

By volunteering to be the pilots of the newly forged Armiger Warglaives. There won't be enough Knights for all you Guardsmen, so the rest of you will do your standard armor deployment in your Leman Russ tanks. The Skitarii will offer infantry support - and while some of you might be tempted by the priesthood of the Adeptus Mechanicus for cybernetic implants in exchange for joining the Skitarii, uh, let's just say you'll end up being lobotomized like those servitors over there. You should just serve the Emperor out of your free will rather than have your brain cut open and be programed to do so. But that's just me. Like the cogboys said, every one of us is a cog in the greater machine that is the Imperium, and we all have our own way of serving.
Now, go, Draconians! Start up your tanks! We're going to clear Draconis IV of xenos scum! Let no Necron survive!

The Blackstone stuff found all over these new forge worlds can be used to save the Imperium from the Great Rift! ...or doom them to oblivion forever. But first we have to wrench it out of the hands of the Necrons.

You can read the Warhammer Community article for this, but essentially they can be used to either nullify the warp...or amplify it. Your choice.

That arsehole Abaddon destroyed the Cadian pylons by ramming a Blackstone Fortress into it (f-er!), and also dooming the vaunted world of Cadia. Fortunately, the pylons in Cadia aren't the only Blackstone structures in the galaxy, and we're finding lots of them all over the forge worlds the Adeptus Mechanicus have been unearthing. And now we can use these Blackstone stuff to shut down the warp.

...a Blackstone Fortress? Go play Battlefleet Gothic: Armada. Stupid f-er went and stole the Blackstone Fortresses from the Imperium during the 12th Black Crusade, during the Gothic War. We kicked his ass and sent him fleeing back to the Eye of Terror while destroying a couple of them, but he still had 2 left.
Now 1 is destroyed after being used to ram Cadia, and the other was given to Huron Blackheart during the 13th Black Crusade.
In any case, Abaddon wants the Blackstone Fortresses for the other side of the coin - to amplify the warp rather than neutralize it.

Long story short, Necrons either created the Blackstone stuff or they stole it from the Old Ones. Who knows? Games Workshop is deliberately being vague here, and I doubt the Necrons will answer nicely if we ask them.

What we do know for sure is that these dastardedly skeletal xenos scum are waking up from tomb worlds all over the galaxy and then selfishly and arrogantly trying to lay claim to our Blackstone stuff, which by right belongs to us because we, the Imperium of Man, are the present masters of the Galaxy. They have no right to be entitled to what should be our birthright - domination possession of all things in the galaxy of MEN.

Do you really need to ask? Have you forgotten that I'm your regimental Commissar? charges plasma pistol

But since I'm a kind and understanding Commissar personally trained by the legendary Lord Commissar Ciaphas Cain himself, allow me to explain it to you in terms that even a simple guardsman can understand.
We cannot allow such powerful artifacts to fall into the hands of terrifying xenos scum. And we need the Blackstone stuff to shut down the Great Rift and nullify the warp, in order to save humanity from Chaos, Traitors, Heretics and Emperor knows what other horrors await us from the other side of the warp, such as REDACTED. Ahem, sorry, that's information privvy only to the Inquisition and the Commissariat. Excuse my slip and forget what I just said (or I'll have to execute you). Anyway, you shouldn't be questioning the Emperor's word. Just take it from me - we're going to need the blackstone stuff to shut down the warp and achieve galactic supremacy for our Imperium. What greater honor could possibly exist?

By volunteering to be the pilots of the newly forged Armiger Warglaives. There won't be enough Knights for all you Guardsmen, so the rest of you will do your standard armor deployment in your Leman Russ tanks. The Skitarii will offer infantry support - and while some of you might be tempted by the priesthood of the Adeptus Mechanicus for cybernetic implants in exchange for joining the Skitarii, uh, let's just say you'll end up being lobotomized like those servitors over there. You should just serve the Emperor out of your free will rather than have your brain cut open and be programed to do so. But that's just me. Like the cogboys said, every one of us is a cog in the greater machine that is the Imperium, and we all have our own way of serving.
Now, go, Draconians! Start up your tanks! We're going to clear Draconis IV of xenos scum! Let no Necron survive!
Tuesday, March 13, 2018
Armiger Warglaives
Whoops, I was caught napping yesterday (played too much Titanfall 2 at night after spending the whole day grading midterms and preparing taxes), and I completely missed out on this awesome article. Stupid of me. May the Emperor forgive my lack of vigilance.
Anyway, Warhammer Community has dedicated a post to the Armiger Warglaives! Let's see what they've got.

As you all know by now, the Armiger Warglaives are basically baby Imperial Knights. They are the smallest lightweight class of Knights. They trade a bit of firepower and durability in exchange for higher speed and flexibility - especially in terms of points. You can bet I'll add a couple of them to my army of Imperial Knights (I already have 3 of them and I can't wait to expand on my Knight army!).

Cool, right?

Maybe during the summer holidays I'll try to write a short story or something. I just don't have the time during semester. Ugh.
Anyway, you can read the lore in the Warhammer Community article. Long story short, these guys are piloted by lesser nobility or commoners who have proven their value in war (much like my Draconian Guardsmen), to support their bigger, higher-ranked noble cousins in the more massive and traditional chasis of Imperial Knights.

But we're more interested in the tabletop, right?

They are still Lords of War, no surprise there. If I get about 3 of them and add them to my 3 Imperial Knights, I can get 2 Super-heavy Detachments and 6 bonus Command Points. I wonder if my opponents will rage.

They have a 14" movement, Toughness 7 and 12 wounds (huh, less durable than a Leman Russ tank) but also have a 5++ ion shield save and 3+ armor save, so not too bad. So they're basically expendable Distraction Armigers to protect my bigger Knights from the anti-tank weaponry.

They have a miniature version of the thermal cannon, which is the thermal spear. Basically a normal meltagun with much larger range than either a meltagun or multimelta D3 assault shots. Good thing they're assault so no -1 penalty to hit rolls when you move. And you can advance and shoot with them (while incurring the -1 penalty) if you want to get within the 15" melta range.

For melee, they have 4 Attacks. And apparently they are Strength 6, so their Reaper Chain-Cleaver will deal 4 Strength 12 attacks at AP -3 and 3 Damage each.

They don't seem to have Titanic Feet and it also sees that they have a heavy stubber (or meltagun) as a carapace weapon but no one mentions that. I guess they consider such small-arms weapons insignificant.

I suspect they will appear in their own boxes soon, but for now I'm looking forward to collecting them from Forgebane.

I might just build a small Necrons army while at it, but I doubt it. I don't even have the money for my Thousand Sons army (for now all I have are Rubric Marines, Ahriman, a Sorcerer in Terminator Armor, Scarab Occult Terminators and a Mutalith Vortex - gonna be a long time before I get a Daemon Prince and Tzaangors from the Changecult box to finish it). We'll see. Anyway, for the Emperor and the Omnissiah!
Anyway, Warhammer Community has dedicated a post to the Armiger Warglaives! Let's see what they've got.

As you all know by now, the Armiger Warglaives are basically baby Imperial Knights. They are the smallest lightweight class of Knights. They trade a bit of firepower and durability in exchange for higher speed and flexibility - especially in terms of points. You can bet I'll add a couple of them to my army of Imperial Knights (I already have 3 of them and I can't wait to expand on my Knight army!).

Cool, right?

Maybe during the summer holidays I'll try to write a short story or something. I just don't have the time during semester. Ugh.
Anyway, you can read the lore in the Warhammer Community article. Long story short, these guys are piloted by lesser nobility or commoners who have proven their value in war (much like my Draconian Guardsmen), to support their bigger, higher-ranked noble cousins in the more massive and traditional chasis of Imperial Knights.

But we're more interested in the tabletop, right?

They are still Lords of War, no surprise there. If I get about 3 of them and add them to my 3 Imperial Knights, I can get 2 Super-heavy Detachments and 6 bonus Command Points. I wonder if my opponents will rage.

They have a 14" movement, Toughness 7 and 12 wounds (huh, less durable than a Leman Russ tank) but also have a 5++ ion shield save and 3+ armor save, so not too bad. So they're basically expendable Distraction Armigers to protect my bigger Knights from the anti-tank weaponry.

They have a miniature version of the thermal cannon, which is the thermal spear. Basically a normal meltagun with much larger range than either a meltagun or multimelta D3 assault shots. Good thing they're assault so no -1 penalty to hit rolls when you move. And you can advance and shoot with them (while incurring the -1 penalty) if you want to get within the 15" melta range.

For melee, they have 4 Attacks. And apparently they are Strength 6, so their Reaper Chain-Cleaver will deal 4 Strength 12 attacks at AP -3 and 3 Damage each.

They don't seem to have Titanic Feet and it also sees that they have a heavy stubber (or meltagun) as a carapace weapon but no one mentions that. I guess they consider such small-arms weapons insignificant.

I suspect they will appear in their own boxes soon, but for now I'm looking forward to collecting them from Forgebane.

I might just build a small Necrons army while at it, but I doubt it. I don't even have the money for my Thousand Sons army (for now all I have are Rubric Marines, Ahriman, a Sorcerer in Terminator Armor, Scarab Occult Terminators and a Mutalith Vortex - gonna be a long time before I get a Daemon Prince and Tzaangors from the Changecult box to finish it). We'll see. Anyway, for the Emperor and the Omnissiah!
Sunday, March 11, 2018
Forgebane: Pre-order next week!
Warhammer Community has released some good news for all those waiting for news on Forgebane (like me)!

Needless to say (since you've already read the title), Forgebane will be up for pre-orders next week! I can't wait! I'm definitely getting a box!

Just look at those models. They are too awesome! Who wants the Necrons (since I'm keeping the Adeptus Mechanicus models for myself)?
And apparently the Necrons codex will be out before the end of March, so cool, I guess?

Needless to say (since you've already read the title), Forgebane will be up for pre-orders next week! I can't wait! I'm definitely getting a box!

Just look at those models. They are too awesome! Who wants the Necrons (since I'm keeping the Adeptus Mechanicus models for myself)?
And apparently the Necrons codex will be out before the end of March, so cool, I guess?
Thursday, March 8, 2018
Black Library Open Submissions
Holy Terra! I just spotted how Black Library has just offered fans a chance to write a story about their favorite Warhammer 40,000 stuff! You can find more details on Black Library Open Submissions somewhere on the Warhammer Community website!
Basically they are celebrating their 20th anniversary and are welcoming all writers to submit their ideas! Uh, not their stories. Just ideas. Basically they are not looking for fully written stories at this point of time, just a one-paragraph summary of your story (not just what it is about) and characters, and a 500-word sample of the story (can come from any part of the story except the ending).
So get to writing, folks! I'm heading off to the Adeptus Administratum soon to look for a scribe-servitor.
Basically they are celebrating their 20th anniversary and are welcoming all writers to submit their ideas! Uh, not their stories. Just ideas. Basically they are not looking for fully written stories at this point of time, just a one-paragraph summary of your story (not just what it is about) and characters, and a 500-word sample of the story (can come from any part of the story except the ending).
So get to writing, folks! I'm heading off to the Adeptus Administratum soon to look for a scribe-servitor.
Monday, March 5, 2018
Breaking news for Adeptus Mechanicus and Imperial Knight fans! Look at what I found today from Bell of Lost Souls!

I'm not sure but apparently we'll be getting a Techpriest Dominus, 10 Skitarii and 2 Armiger Warglaives! For Necrons, they would be getting a Cryptek (the new one), 5 Immortals, 5 Lychguard, and apparently 3 Canoptek Wraiths!
They look absolutely amazing!

Wow, that's a lot of rpsues. I wonder if it's a new board game or something.

The Adeptus Mechanicus built their empire on resource-rich planets - worlds which the rising Necron Dynasties now want back...
Across the Imperium the worlds of the Adeptus Mechanicus are under attack. An ancient xenos empire is rising from beneath their feet, forced into awakening by the anarchy of a galaxy at war. The cold and metallic Necrons, roused from their aeons-long slumber, intend to restore order and obedience to their worlds through extermination - even should it mean the slaughter of every Adeptus Mechanicus and Imperial Knight usurper to have trespassed upon their soverieng domain.
Take command of a technological epire in desperate clash for the most precious resource of all. There can be no mercy - in the grim darkness of the far future, there is only war!
Yeah, I wrote out the description on the back for you guys - there are some words I can't read because of the glare, but that should be the gist of it. Important things to note - both Adeptus Mechanicus and Imperial Knights are in this, so Armiger Warglaives are definitely an Imperial Knight model, not Adeptus Mechanicus. I can't wait to get this!
And what do you know...Warhammer Community officially posted on this just right now.

Nice. And Holy Throne on Terra! Thanks to the blessings of the Omnissiah, it seems that Forgebane will expand on the lore and talk about the discovery of the Blackstone, which has the power to both neutralize and amplify the fell powers of Chaos!
In any case, the Adeptus Mechanicus discovers that the ore-rich worlds they colonized as forge worlds happen to be tomb worlds, and now Necrons are awakening all over the galaxy in the wake of the Cicatrix Maledictum. And you know what this means. WARHAMMER 40,000 Wargaming time!

Time to pick up new units for my Imperial Knights! And this looks good value for money!

Knight Armiger Warglaives! I'm getting the box for those two alone...and I look forward to reading the lore. Can't have too many Tech-priests Dominus and the Skitarii would make a nice addition, I guess?

We have the Cryptek for Necrons players. They look cool.

But this is the one that I want. Knight Armiger Warglaives. Lightweight class of Imperial Knights, they are piloted by lesser nobles or commoners, who scout ahead and eliminate threats ahead of time. Awesome. The Omnissiah blesses! I'll see how many points they cost, so if I can add a third one, I'll be able to build 2 Super-heavy Detachments of 6 Imperial Knights (3 Knight Armiger Warglaives to accompany my current 3 Knights) for a whooping 6 extra Command Points (9 in total)!

This is going to be great value for money! I can't wait!

Apparently it will be out soon. How soon, I have no idea. But I'll let you guys know when I get more news!

I'm not sure but apparently we'll be getting a Techpriest Dominus, 10 Skitarii and 2 Armiger Warglaives! For Necrons, they would be getting a Cryptek (the new one), 5 Immortals, 5 Lychguard, and apparently 3 Canoptek Wraiths!
They look absolutely amazing!

Wow, that's a lot of rpsues. I wonder if it's a new board game or something.

The Adeptus Mechanicus built their empire on resource-rich planets - worlds which the rising Necron Dynasties now want back...
Across the Imperium the worlds of the Adeptus Mechanicus are under attack. An ancient xenos empire is rising from beneath their feet, forced into awakening by the anarchy of a galaxy at war. The cold and metallic Necrons, roused from their aeons-long slumber, intend to restore order and obedience to their worlds through extermination - even should it mean the slaughter of every Adeptus Mechanicus and Imperial Knight usurper to have trespassed upon their soverieng domain.
Take command of a technological epire in desperate clash for the most precious resource of all. There can be no mercy - in the grim darkness of the far future, there is only war!
Yeah, I wrote out the description on the back for you guys - there are some words I can't read because of the glare, but that should be the gist of it. Important things to note - both Adeptus Mechanicus and Imperial Knights are in this, so Armiger Warglaives are definitely an Imperial Knight model, not Adeptus Mechanicus. I can't wait to get this!
And what do you know...Warhammer Community officially posted on this just right now.

Nice. And Holy Throne on Terra! Thanks to the blessings of the Omnissiah, it seems that Forgebane will expand on the lore and talk about the discovery of the Blackstone, which has the power to both neutralize and amplify the fell powers of Chaos!
In any case, the Adeptus Mechanicus discovers that the ore-rich worlds they colonized as forge worlds happen to be tomb worlds, and now Necrons are awakening all over the galaxy in the wake of the Cicatrix Maledictum. And you know what this means. WARHAMMER 40,000 Wargaming time!

Time to pick up new units for my Imperial Knights! And this looks good value for money!

Knight Armiger Warglaives! I'm getting the box for those two alone...and I look forward to reading the lore. Can't have too many Tech-priests Dominus and the Skitarii would make a nice addition, I guess?

We have the Cryptek for Necrons players. They look cool.

But this is the one that I want. Knight Armiger Warglaives. Lightweight class of Imperial Knights, they are piloted by lesser nobles or commoners, who scout ahead and eliminate threats ahead of time. Awesome. The Omnissiah blesses! I'll see how many points they cost, so if I can add a third one, I'll be able to build 2 Super-heavy Detachments of 6 Imperial Knights (3 Knight Armiger Warglaives to accompany my current 3 Knights) for a whooping 6 extra Command Points (9 in total)!

This is going to be great value for money! I can't wait!

Apparently it will be out soon. How soon, I have no idea. But I'll let you guys know when I get more news!
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